Chapter 9 : Beginnging of Problems

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Ava's POV

I opened my eyes to the seventh day I have been here. I yawned and stretched my arms and got out of my bed in my tree place.

I couldn't help but giggle after thinkin about yesterday, oh man I never thought I'd feel like this ever. Back home I don't have many options to date, the only boy around my age was Klyrax so this is new but fun.

Wow, fun. I thought in my head put on new clothes and flew down and went into the pack house through the side entrance. I never thought I would have these genuine emotions. Huh It's kinda nice.

As I went into the kitchen to get something to eat I saw Ethan coming down the stairs. I waved at him, he was wear only a loose set of pants and his light brown hair was all messed up. He went to the counter and said,"Morrning." Then he gave a loud yawn, yeah he was still half alseep.

I kissed his check and said,"Morning Ethan." He immediately woke up and looked flustered, I gave him a small smile.

I took out some veggies from the fridge and made a salad, while Ethan cooked some preserved salt water fish. He leaned against the counter and started to eat while I sat on it to eat.  Snow came in sweating a bit from the outside. Ethan and I greeted her as she came in, she waved tried. She went up to me and kissed me, I jumped a bit startled. But then I realized she took my food, I glared at her as she smiles.

"Sorry Fluff," She said as she took another bite and gave it back to me.

Ethan pouted,"She gets a nickname but not me?"

She rolled her eyes and jumped over the counter to give Ethan a long kiss. He pulled away gasping, staring at her like she's a madman.

I laughed and pulled her in for a kiss to. Then I said to Ethan,"There's your revenge."

We all laughed a bit, I couldn't help but smile, I said,"I love you guys."

I immediately regret it as they both perked up and stared at me. I tried to cover my face with my bowl, but then I heard from both of them,"We love you to Rain."

I pulled down my bowl and looked away blushing a bit. I looked back to see them both with serious faces. 

My eyes darken,"What happen?"

Ethan said,"Hostage situation in the north with a person with an unknown smell, Khalil is there already."

I nodded and we all went out the door, with Ethan shifting, ripping through his clothes. And me flying above and Snow running.

Some Time Later

We arived there, Ethan was handed some clothes as I landed. There was a large crowd of warriors there with Khalil there too. It was a hill top was a few feet tall that had thick roots covering the ground with vines on them.

Khalil submited when Ethan approached him he said,"Alpha he's demanding to see you."

The crowd parted ways for Ethan, me and Snow followed behind him. There was a man in a cloak holding a man at knife point.

Ethan said Loudly,"I am Alpha Ethan of this pack, state your business with me."

Me and Snow stood by his side, Snow pulled out her spear at the ready, I realized I forgot my bow. I crossed my arms as I looked at the cloaked man, he looked familiar.

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