Sucipious Minds: Elvis

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Kennedy!reader x Elvis type thing where reader doesn't wanna be in the political spotlight like their parents so they run away to Hollywood and become a dancer under a fake name and they end up dancing for Elvis' comeback show and they're there when it's announced that their dad (Bobby Kennedy) has been assassinated

You never imagined that you would be dancing for Elvis let alone on his comeback special and you never would've thought that something would develop between the two of you. See you were a born a Kennedy and from a very early age, you watched how politics destroyed your family one by one, so when you reached the age of 18, you ran away as far as you could from it and you eventually ended up in Hollywood under a new name where you dance career would soon take off. 

One night you had been in the studio practicing after everyone had left, Steve and Bowes often let you come in and practiced on the stage while they worked, only this night someone special would come to the stage in hopes to write. You were working on the choreography for one of the numbers when you landed wrong preparing to land on the floor but instead felt a pair of arms stop you. You looked up and were met with the famous blue eyes, and you could understand why every woman went nuts seeing him.

 "You alright there, Darlin?" He asked you setting you back on your feet. 

"Uh fine, thank you for not letting me fall on my face, Mr. Presley." You said walking over and turning off the record. 

"Could never let a beautiful, angel fall on her face. And please call me Elvis." He said taking a seat at the piano as you tried to fight the blush that forming on your face. 

"Were you practicing for my special?" He asked you.  

"I was. So you got to see firsthand me mess it up, are you excited for it?" You asked him with a small laugh. 

"Can I be honest with you? I'm not this doesn't feel like me, you know?" He said as you nodded your head. 

"I know you are my boss and could potentially fire me for saying this, but if you aren't happy with it then why are you doing it because this isn't the Elvis me and your other fans fell in love with. We miss the old Elvis." You said to him. 

"I don't know because the Cornel is making me, he keeps saying something about this new family-friendly Elvis." Elvis said. 

"Well, Elvis you have the power to change it if you really want." You said as you grabbed your stuff so you can head back to your hotel and get some rest for tomorrow's taping. 

"Thank you...." He said remembering he never got your name making you smile as you told your name. 

"That's a beautiful name, thank you for tonight." He said giving a soft smile as he watched you leave the room giving him a lot to think about, but more so you. 

This is how it went for the next few days, you two would somehow meet up in the stage room and sometimes you would dance while he worked and other times you two would sit there and talk and get to know each other which was hard to do considering you were hiding half of who you were and making you want to stop this growing relationship between the two of you. 

"Girl look someone sent you flowers!" Your friend said excitedly showing the bouquet of cherry blossoms as you took them from her. 

"Ooh, are they from that guy you've been seeing?" She asked as you read the card which made you smile even more as he asked you to join him for dinner tonight. 

 "They are and I've got a date tonight." You said making her squeal as she began picking out what you could possibly wear and how you could do your hair you shook your head at her feeling excited for tonight. 

Elvis was the perfect gentleman, he took you on a private picnic thank god, that way no way would get pictures of you two, and the whole time he practically told you his whole life story and everything about him while you hardly told him anything except that you had a bunch of siblings, and came from a loving family which hurt you because you so badly wanted to tell him the truth. 

"You haven't shared much about your family, why is that?" He asked you as you two walked around. 

"It's hard for me to talk about my family... while they were loving and all that, I also saw a side to them that made me run away and join the circus as you would say. I miss them every day but I can't go back to them." You said feeling a tear slide down your face. 

"Hey hey, it's alright Darlin, you don't have to talk about it if you are not ready." He said as drying your tears with his thumbs. 

"I'm sorry, it's just hard to talk about. I hope I didn't ruin our date." You said quietly making him smile. 

"You didn't ruin anything sweetheart, do you think I could kiss you?" He asked you. 

"I would like that alot." You said as you felt his lips on yours and it was everything you imagined. 

While you two were having the best date of your life, the Cornel who hated the effect you were having on his number one client was looking into your background and couldn't believe it when he found out the truth and couldn't wait to tell Elvis. 

"She's been lying to you, this whole dance act has been a lie to get to you so that her and her family could get involved in their political affairs." He said as Elvis sat there in shock trying to figure out why you would lie to him. 

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