Are You Afraid of the Park?

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Paige's POV 

Max texted me saying that him and his family were going to Amazing Land because his little sister Nora is tall enough to ride Thunderman: The Ride. 

Thunderman the ride is a little fun, and terrifying at the same time. It really gets your heart racing. 

But Max absolutely hates it. 

He told me this story where he and Phoebe went on Thunderman: The Ride five years ago. Apparently they were petrified and agreed to never go on it again, and they did that while hugging each other (he said that was the scariest part). 

Max and Phoebe then tried to get out of it by trying to make other plans, but that didn't work. 

Max texted me during the car ride saying that his family was singing annoying children's song.

Then he texted me that he and Phoebe made his siblings fight (I don't know how) and made his dad turn the car around and they didn't go to Amazing Land. 

The next day Max texted me to come over because his little brother Billy moved into his room and he was loosing his mind. 

So I went over. 

I knocked on the door and Phoebe answered it. 

I saw Max on the couch and there was brown foot prints all over his tee shirt. 

"Nice pajamas." I said and laughed. 

"My brother sleep walked on me." Max explained and kissed my cheek. 

"What're you guys going to do about Billy and Nora?" I asked them. 

"Max and I are going to act out a fake fight then apologize to remind them how siblings should behave." Phoebe said and handed Max a script book. 

"Lying, I like it." Max said and I just shook my head. 

"Your characters motivation is..." Phoebe started. 

"To concer the world and look good doing it." Max said and stood up. 

Weird, but he would look good doing it. 

"Is it too late to re cast." Phoebe said and then her and Max did their scene. 

Phoebe's acting was really bad and they were both flipping through their script books. 

Billy and Nora didn't apologize either they just dragged Max and Phoebe away. 

"I'm gonna go." I said and got up awkwardly. 

"Bye babe." Max yelled. 


Later that night I went over to Max's house and he was on his bed hugging his teddy bear rocking back and forth, and his hair was a mess. 

"Are you ok?" I asked and sat next to him. 

He threw the teddy bear and clutched onto me. 

"Billy and Nora made Phoebe and I ride Thunderman: The Ride 20 times." Max stammered. 

Then Max and I snuggled and cuddled. 

ThunderheartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя