Why you Buggin'?

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Paige's POV 

I was sitting on the couch in the teacher's lounge  and Max texted me to meet me at the ice cream shop. 

So I walked to the ice cream shop and waited for him by the door. 

"Hey." Max said and kissed my lips. 

"Hey Max, thanks for coming." Phoebe said once we walked in. 

"I'm not here for you, I just had a craving for ice cream." Max said and looked off in thought. 

"Wait- did you." Max said but Phoebe dragged us off into a corner. 

Then Link and a girl with blond hair came in. 

"Look at her, standing in the background waiting to intercept my boyfriend." Phoebe said. 

"Good football reference." Max said. 

"I hate that I know that." 

"What's going on?" I asked, confused about the whole situation. 

"Phoebe thinks Little Miss. Hug A Duck over there is a bad girl trying to steal her boyfriend, which I doubt, she doesn't look like she would hurt a fly." Max said. 

Then the blond girl took a kid's ice cream and threw it to the ground, the kid screamed and ran away crying. 

"Wow." Max said and got a weird look in his eyes that made me uncomfortable, but the look was gone quickly. 

"She's not only bad, she evil hearted." Max said, but not in a discusted way, that made me even more uncomfortable. 

"Here's the plan, you make Quin fall for you so that takes her attention away from Link." Phoebe said and I gasped. 

What if Max actually falls for her?  But I don't want him to think I'm the jealous type. 

"Ok, if Paige is ok with it then I am." Max said and held my hand. 

"Sure, I'll be fine with it." I said and Max kissed me before walking over to Quin. 

I couldn't stand to see this so I walked out. 

Later that night I heard that Max and Quin were going to go on a double date with Link and Phoebe. 

So I grabbed a hat and sunglasses and went to the restaurant where they all were. 

When I got there I sat in the corner and watched the date. 

Right now Phoebe wasn't there, and Quin was sitting across from Max and next to Link. 

Poor Phoebe. Now I really hate Quin. 

When Phoebe came back her and Link switched places again.  

"Link, I don't want to say anything, but Quin is trying to steal you away from me, oh and by the way, she's an evil bug villian." Phoebe said. 

Evil bug villian, is she serious? 

"Are you serious." I stood up and said. 

I probably should've stayed quiet to actually find out, but right about now I'm started and hoping this is a prank from Max. 

"Paige." Max said and whipped around. 

"Is she really a bug villian?" I asked him. 

"No, no, no, Phoebe was just talking crazy, hey, if you would get us some cupcakes and we can hang out later." Max said. 

I sighed but left anyway, he clearly wanted me to leave. I still think there's something fishy about the bug thing but I guess Phoebe was just mad at Quin and called her a bug. 

So I did get some cupcakes and went back to Max's house and he seemed to have just gotten home. 

I knocked on his window and after a minute he let me in. 

"Hey babe, sorry about earlier, I just didn't want to ruin it for Phoebe." Max said and we sat on his bed and each took our cupcake. 

When we were done Max pushed me gently against his chest and we cuddled for a while, he smelled strangely like mangos 

"I should leave, it's almost my curfew." I told Max and started to get up. 

Max nudged me back down and began kissing my lips, eventually it turned into a makeout and I let it go on for a few minutes before I pulled away and told him I had to go. 

"Ok, bye babe." Max said and I went out the window and back to the school. 

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