"Just remember to be yourself tomorrow and your real friends will accept you for who you are flaws and all. They won't force you to be something your not.find the right crowd the right crowd will embrace you for all that you are. Because that's what makes you special when your truly being yourself . Don't be what others expect you to be stand out because your real friends will accept ya with open arms." Skylar said heartfelt and full of support and encouragement.

"Thanks sky I feel a lot better after this talk. Hopefully for once things will go right in our lives . And we won't have to worry about someone taking us away . So I'm hoping a miracle pulls through and we're here in this home forever and with this family for life . Because this is the only place I truly felt safe and I don't want to live in fear anymore." I said getting all emotional.

"Anytime that's what sisters are for . To be their through thick and thin. And talk to and vent to and give advice . And help each other through every hardship . All always support you kenz . I might still have a little bit of trust issues when it comes to believing something good could happen. And having a forever family and having something permanent that can't be taken away. But this is a home where I didn't feel unsafe or unloved like they could careless about what happened to us. This is the first foster home where I actually felt loved and safe and not a burden on their lives. I felt like my life actually mattered and they truly want to make a difference in our lives. And want to see us do good and become a part of their already extended family. And that's something I wished for and truly want and need more than anything." Skylar said also getting quite emotional and deep.

"Try to get some more sleep will deal with this together in the morning. Will get through it everything will be okay I pinky promise." Skylar said extending her pinky out to me as I pull mine out as we pinky promise.

"Sweet dreams sky." I said in a loving and sleepy tone before drifting off.

"Sweet dreams kenz."Sky said in a soothing tone before drifting off too.

As a couple hours passed by. Morning hit as the alarm went off . Meaning it was time to get up and get ready for school . And time for a new beginning at anchor beach. As Mariana and Callie offered for us to use some of their clothes for now. As we're suppose to go shopping with stef and Lena to get clothes but for now we borrow one of theirs. As they lead us into their closet to show us what they have. As Sky and I picked out our outfit. Skylar picked a casual loosen stripped sweater and a pair of Jeans to go with it.

Skylars outfit:

And for my outfit I picked a floral keyhole romper that was navy blue

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And for my outfit I picked a floral keyhole romper that was navy blue.

My outfit:

My outfit:

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The fosters: battle scars/rediscovering faithWhere stories live. Discover now