Henry... I Mean Harry

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"Mom I swear if you dial those numbers-" I start. 

"Oh please Melanie. What are you going to do to your MOTHER?" She said, emphasizing the word. 

"I um...I'll h-hate your forever." I stutter, crossing my arms. She rolls her eyes before glancing at the slip of paper in front of her once more. She began to type the number into the keypad. 

I sighed thinking about how horrible my mom is. Well, not really. She's actually fantastic compared to what she could be like. She just needed to learn how to trust me. 

Once she called I could tell she got an immediate answer because of the smile she plastered on her face, showing off her victory and my defeat. I groan and drop my head, wishing she would stop. 

"Hi! Is this Henry?" She asked. "Oh, well I'm sorry, Harry."


"He's booked. He'll be here in an hour and I'm leaving in thirty minutes or less meaning you will have a little bit of time to yourself and I swear Melanie if you do anything bad within those few minutes, you will be grounded till you step up to those pearly white gates, do you understand me?" She questioned. I slowly nod my head. 

"Good. Now I'll be gone for merely a week. He'll watch you the duration of my trip. He's sleeping in the guest room and I'm leaving money for him to buy groceries. Now I trust you won't scare him away. I'm going to get my bags, eat, and leave." She spoke so fast I barely took a word in. It was quite amusing seeing her so worried. 

"Hey mum?" I smile. 

"Ugh yes?" She asks, getting annoyed. 

"I never got his name." I giggle. 

She runs her hand through her long blond hair and flashes a smile at me. 

"Harry. And he's 19. Also, he might have some friends over. You can have yours over too, but only with his permission. Don't worry though, he seems flexible." 

My mom is gorgeous, yet she looks nothing like me. She has wavy blond hair, I have straight brunette hair. She has green eyes, mine are blue. She has a light complexion, I'm a bit tan. She's very tiny and petite, I'm curvy. We look nothing alike, but we have identical personalities.  

Soon she's done getting her things and she's stuffing a brownie down her throat. She took a sip of my tea to wash it down. 

"Alright so he'll be here soon. This will only be for a week. Promise to be good?" She asked, biting her bottom lip. 

"Course." I assured.  

She hugged me tightly. I didn't imagine our goodbye to be hard for me, but now that it was happening I'm realizing that I didn't want to let go of the floral scent that clung to my mother. The last time that I had was four years ago, and I was twelve. My mom went to visit an ill family member and left my dad to watch over me. She came back to me at a police station explaining to the cops that my father left me by myself a day before my mom was supposed to come back. I quickly shook away the depressing thoughts and put a fake smile on my face while my mother pulled away.  

"Alright sweetie well..... I have to go. Be good?" She asked. I could see small tears form in her eyes. 

"For the millionth time, yes." I let go of her as she walked out the door, got in the car, and drove off. 

I waited a moment before taking off into the living room to watch TV. I had 30 minutes until my babysitter would arrive. I sighed thinking over the word. Babysitter. Why do I need a babysitter? I'm 16. I don't need this. I'm too old for this. Ughhhhhh. Fricken babysitter. Just as the thoughts invaded my mind the phone rang. I slowly went to answer it. I realized I didn't recognize the number.  

"Hello?" I answer. 

"Oh, hi Mrs. Evans. This is Harry. I was just wondering what your house number was? I'm sorry I just kinda forgot." I heard him chuckle. 

"Miss." I corrected him. "Mr. Evans isn't around." 

"I'm very sorry. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you." He says. I roll my eyes. 

"Kiss-ass." I mutter. 


"Nothing! Listen, I'm sorry but your services are not needed. Trip was canceled." I smirked. 

"What?" He asked, a bit taken back. 

"You're not needed." I asserted. There was silence at the other end of the line. 

"Listen, I know you think you're too old for a babysitter, and I do too, but apparently something must be wrong considering how much your mom's paying me for this. So how about you tell me your house number and I'll be there in a minute. Ok, sweetie?" He said. The fuck? 

"Uhhh..." I scoffed. "207"  

"Thanks. Be ready." I could practically hear him smiling. With that he hung up.

I really should have heed his warning. 


Hello! Sorry if it's short! I'm writing this on my iPod soo yeah. I know that this sounds like every other fanfic where one of the boys are your babysitter but I really hope you keep reading because I think it should turn out pretty good. Soooooooo yeah :)

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