First Meeting

495 11 3

Written by: [Kala]

Jake hummed quietly, hyper focused on his work. The spray can in his hand sprayed out the vibrant color of red, toning in his artwork. He finally stepped back to admire his work. He tilted his head slightly to the side, looking at it from a different angle. He stepped back a little, not noticing a small rock. Jake lost his balance slightly, dropping the spray can in the process. He shakily regained balance and looked in the direction his spray can had rolled to. He quickly chased it, not wanting it to get too far. The can finally stopped, hitting a pair of shoes in the process. Jake stooped down, breathing heavily from all the running he had done. He was going to grab the can before another hand grabbed it for him. Jake looked up to see the freakiest rabbit mask he'd ever seen. It startled him so he fell back. The rabbit masked boy grabbed Jake's arm right before he hit the cement floor. His grip was tight so Jake simply staggered before getting up. Jake then looked at the boy in front of him, studying him this time. He was much taller than Jake, wearing a very expensive looking suit, and sporting the freaky rabbit mask Jake mentioned earlier. Jake felt like he'd seen this guy before but he wasn't quite sure where. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts by the boy gesturing the spray can towards Jake. Jake quickly grabbed it and shoved it in his hoodie pocket.
"Uh, thanks dude. Probably wouldn't have caught it without you being there." Jake chuckled out awkwardly.
The boy simply nodded back in reply.
"Hey uh, have we met before?" Jake asked innocently.
The boy stiffened at the question. Many thoughts running through his head. The eyes of the rabbit mask seemed to coordinate with his emotions, irises shrinking. Jake looked at him curiously.
"So gonna assume we have?" Jake spoke.
The boy quickly shook his head 'no' in response. A lie. They had met before. Quite a while ago. Along with the fact he'd been watching Jake for quite some time now. But he couldn't tell him that.
"Oh. My mistake then. I should be going. Thanks again dude!" Jake smiled at him, trying to ease the tension.
The boy waved in response, not wanting to still seem suspicious. Unknowingly, however, his foot was tapping at a rapid pace. Much like a rabbit when it's excited or happy. He was indeed very happy. Though he couldn't tell a soul. Jake was his target. Not someone to be friends with. You see, this boy was not just any boy walking around the streets. This was Frank. A hired assassin. And he was damn good at it too. Jake and his friends unfortunately tampered with something that didn't belong to them. And it was now Frank's job to retrieve it and eradicate them. Frank watched as Jake sprinted back to where he previously emerged from. He watched until he was out of sight, before he unconsciously began to follow. Frank followed Jake until he reached the spot where Jake was working on. He watched Jake stare at the artwork on the abandoned train car before picking up a spray can and spraying more color on it. Frank was stunned by how pretty it actually looked. It was a mixture of colors and shapes that made up Jake's name. He began to creep closer, wanting to see it better. In the process, he unknowingly gave himself away.
"Oh! It's you again." Jake tilted his head at Frank.
Frank froze for a moment. 'Shit.'
"No need to look so alarmed. I'm not gonna do anything." Jake chuckled.
Frank's foot began to tap again. That laugh. He walked closer to Jake, Jake patting a spot next to him to sit down. Frank cautiously sat down and looked at the train car. It was even prettier up close. He was busy staring while Jake was studying him again. Jake could spot slight scarring under the boy's mask. He wanted to ask about it but wondered if it would be rude.
"Sooo uh, why'd ya follow me?" Jake asked instead.
Frank turned to Jake who was smiling at him. That smile. More foot tapping ensued. Frank decided he could talk to him, right? Not like he's getting attached or anything. Just talking.
"You looked interesting. And I was lost." Frank answered back finally.
Jake held back a laugh. "Interesting? Is that a compliment?"
"If you'd like it to be." Frank said, tone not changing.
"Well I guess I could say the same for you. You're walking around in this freaky mask. Pretty cool suit though." Jake rambled on.
'Pretty cool suit.'  Tap. Tap. Tap.
"I didn't think it was that unsettling. I do not prefer talking to others luckily." Frank said, trying to stop the foot tapping.
"Why's that?" Jake asked, very curious.
"No real reason to talk to others." Frank replied back quite quickly.
"Weeeell you're talking to me aren't ya?" Jake chuckled.
"I suppose I am."
"So what's your name then?" Jake asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
The decisions. Tell him your name? Say no? Run off? He could do anything-
"Oh sweet! Name's Jake." Jake smiled back, holding out his hand.
Frank felt his heart start pounding rapidly and the foot tapping didn't seem to cease either. Jake noticed this and looked at him curiously.
"Uh you okay Frank?"
He said his name.
Frank nodded shakily before shaking the other boy's hand finally.
"So why's your foot doin' that thing?" Jake asked.
"I'm...not quite sure." Frank responded, basically mumbling.
"Don't bunnies do that when they're happy? Guess that would make sense then huh." Jake began laughing at his own thoughts.
"I guess I am happy." Frank slipped out.
Jake smiled at this. "Well I'm glad ya are Frank."
Jake looked up at the sky and realized it was getting dark. He began to pack up his things and Frank simply watched. Once he was done, Jake walked up to Frank, quickly embracing the taller boy. Frank stopped breathing for a second. Processing this form of affection. Jake let go and waved at Frank as he walked off. Frank slowly waved back. When Jake was out of sight, Frank collapsed onto the floor, breathing rapidly. 'Holy SHIT.'
Frank had unfortunately fallen for a boy he was meant to kill.

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