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Written by: [Kala]

-Hey guuuuys! We're back! At least I am. Here with another oneshot for this small portion of the fandom >:) Enjoy!!

Yutani wiped her brow, setting down her wrench to her left. She looked at the invention in front of her with a wide grin. She grabbed the controller she made for it from her right. She clicked a button and flipped a switch. The machine rumbled, turning on. As the gears whirred, Yutani let out a devilish cackle.
"Oh I just can't wait for HIM to see this."
Frank typed on his phone hastily, answering his boyf-er-best friend's text message. Frank cursed at himself for letting himself think of his only friend as more than that. At the same time however, he couldn't help but blush at the sight of the boy. He couldn't help his foot begin to tap at the boy's voice saying his name. It was selfish, he knew that much. But, a boy could dream. Frank made his way up his best friend's front steps, making sure to jump over the missing brick in one of them. He knocked a gentle rhythm on the door, a signal he gave to show it was him there and not anyone else. He received a "Come in!" in response. Frank turned the doorknob open, letting himself in. Inside he was welcomed with a clunky robot, sporting Frank's signature mask, clinging onto Jake, whom was uncomfortably sitting on the couch. Jake just gave Frank an awkward smile. Frank felt his eye twitch in annoyance. What was this. And why was it hanging on to Jake in such a manner.
"Heeeeey Frank." Jake finally broke the silence,
"Jake. Who might this be?" Frank said pointing at the robot, still very much clinging to the boy.
"According to her box, her name is Frankette." Jake replied. "She was a gift from Yutani."
"Oh. Was she now." Frank said, tone getting more and more annoyed.
The robot finally let go of Jake and looked over at Frank. She gave him a sinister glare before clinging onto Jake once again.
"She seems to really like you." Frank spoke dryly.
"Yea. Not sure what Tani was going for with this but it's getting kind of annoying." Jake chuckled out. "She also has your mask, which I thought was weird."
"I was wondering where one of them had gone." Frank spat.
"Sorry Frank, I really wanted to hang out today. But Tani brought this thing over and now it won't let go." Jake said sincerely.
"It's fine. You seem preoccupied. I can come over another time." Frank replied, his tone wavering a little.
"Wait Frank I-" Jake started.
The door thumped, signaling someone was knocking. Frank walked over to it, opening it to see a delighted Yutani.
"Hiya Frank. Oh and Jake! You like my new invention? I worked all night on it!" Yutani beamed.
"Not really Tani.  She won't let go of me." Jake groaned.
"Oh dear. Maybe she malfunctioned a bit. Here, I'll go get her remote from my car. Why don't ya come with me Frank?" Yutani smiled at the taller male.
"I would rather stay here and make sure this machine doesn't damage my friend." Frank hissed.
"Woah easy tiger. She's harmless. Besides I need help taking down parts if I want to fix her." Yutani argued back.
"It's okay Frank I'll be ok. Just go help Tani so we can get this thing off me." Jake smiled.
Frank was going to argue back but could never find the will to do so with Jake. He nodded at Yutani and they both ushered outside. Yutani opened her trunk and inside was a bunch of scraps and pieces for potential new projects.
"So what do we need to take down. Hurry I do not wish to waste time." Frank said, foot tapping angrily.
"You realize she's doing what I programmed her to do right?" Yutani giggled.
"Excuse me?" Frank questioned, raising a brow under his mask.
"Did you really not get it? I made her so that she'd cling to Jake and you'd have to get her off. Knowing how jealous you get, you'd finally confess to Jake. You've been taking forever man." Yutani smiled sweetly at the male.
"You-wait-I-" Frank began to stutter, not realizing Yutani knew.
"Oh gosh Frank. It's soooo obvious. Just go get him already. Before someone else does." Yutani giggled.
Frank looked down, face burning up. 'Confess to Jake? No. He could never. He's never felt like this before and wouldn't even know how to start.'
"Hey, rabbit, stop overthinking it. Just go tell him. I gotta pretend I can't find the parts." Yutani huffed, putting her hands on her hips.
Frank sighed before nodded, heading back inside. Jake was still in the same position, now trying to pry the thing off.
"She can't seem to find the parts. She said I should try and get it off in the meantime." Frank said, trying to control his nerves.
"Well, hurry it up. I'm getting hungry." Jake groaned.
Frank stepped over to the robot, grabbing onto her head tightly. The robot sensed this and quickly threw Frank back. He landed on his feet, but still sustained a small bit of injury. The robot was fully off Jake now and death glaring at Frank now. Her mechanical claws clicked, ready to slice Frank. Frank took out a pocket knife, it was the only thing he ever brought to Jake's house. Frank quickly darted at the machine, trying to land the pocket knife anywhere in her body.
Obviously, this was futile but Frank had been cornered. The robot quickly slapped the knife away, leaving Frank vulnerable. Or so she thought. Frank quickly grabbed the robot's head again and twisted it with all his strength. And with a loud whirring noise, it came off. The robot's body wobbled for a moment before falling over next to her head. Frank panted slightly, wiping a bit of dust off himself.
"FRANK THAT WAS SO COOL!" Jake's voice cheered.
Frank looked up at his friend who was smiling brightly at him. This caused Frank's foot to start tapping.
He quickly ran up to Frank and embraced his friend,
"Thanks Frank."
Frank could feel himself begin to tremble. This was way too much for him to handle. He felt like he was gonna explode. Jake soon noticed this.
"Uhhh Frank, you ok?" Jake questioned, about to let go of Frank.
Suddenly, Frank squeezed his friend back. Ready to do what Yutani had told him to.
The entire room fell quiet. Uncomfortably quiet. The two stayed in the embrace. Neither moving or talking. Frank began to regret his decision. He had deeply ruined anything he had with Jake. And he couldn't even take it back. After a few agonizing moments, Frank heard a small chuckle. He looked down to see Jake chuckling into Frank's suit. He looked at him oddly.
"What is so funny..?" Frank finally spoke.
Jake looked up at the masked boy and simply smiled.
"Oh nothin'. It's just....I really wanted to confess first!" Jake faked pouted.
Frank felt all of his worries evaporate. Jake..shared these feelings? Jake chuckled at Frank, lifting the boy's mask to see his flushed expression. Jake eyes widened at this. He'd never seen this look on Frank before.
"YOU'RE BLUSHING!" Jake cooed.
"WELL I-" Frank was cut off by a pair of lips on his own.
Frank fell into a dazed state, but enjoyed every second of it. Jake finally parted and looked at Frank's still flushed expression.
"You look cute when ya blush Frank." Jake teased.
Frank grumbled, pushing his mask back down to hide his face. Jake chuckled before snuggling back into Frank's chest. Frank hugged him back tightly, embarrassed but not afraid anymore.
"That was beautiful guys. Might just shed a tear." A voice chirped.
They both looked over to see a giggling Yutani. Now it was Jake's turn to be flustered.
"TANI! WHERE-WHEN DID YOU GET IN HERE?" Jake spluttered out.
"Oh like, when Frank destroyed my precious machine." Yutani smiled.
Jake covered his flushed face with his hood. Yutani sighed, walking over to grab her robot.
"Well obviously this one needs work. I'll leave you two lovebirds to discuss things. See ya later!" Yutani waved, dragging her decapitated bot to her car. Once the door closed, Frank grabbed Jake's hand and led him to the couch. Jake looked out from his hood and saw the bunny mask that oddly brought him comfort.
"She's gone Jake." Frank assured Jake gently.
"Oh thank god. That was so embarrassing." Jake sighed.
"Do I embarrass you?" Frank asked.
"NO! OF COURSE NOT! I just thought...when I asked you to be my boyfriend and everything, it'd be more...private." Jake smiled, rubbing the back of his head.
Frank froze at the word 'boyfriend'. He'd always wanted to be that term for Jake. And hearing it was....unreal.
"'re my boyfriend now...?" Frank said, foot tapping at the word again.
"What? Was that not already obvious?" Jake giggled.
Frank felt himself smile for the first time in ages. Sure he often smiled around Jake but this smile felt different. Way different. Frank grabbed his mask, unclipping it from the back. He placed it on the table and looked at Jake, who was studying him curiously. Frank quickly leaned into Jake, connecting their lips again. Jake was surprised by the action but quickly kissed back. The kiss lasted longer than the previous one, and was a bit more passionate. Second turned into minutes. Yet they didn't falter. This moment was all that mattered and they both knew it. Once they finally parted, they gazed into eachother's eyes. Jake's dark brown ones and Frank's caramel colored ones. Both admiring the other's eye color. The way it reflected the light. The way it sparkled with interest at the sight of the other person. It was truly a moment to behold. Two boys pining for eachother, scared to tell the other in case of rejection. Pretty cliche isn't it? But they didn't care. All that mattered to Frank was Jake. And all that mattered to Jake was Frank. The two finally embraced and snuggled on Jake's couch. Enjoying the silence now. Nobody to bother them. Except Yutani showing up later to ask about everything.
MY LONGEST ONE SHOT YET YALL. YOU BETTER LIKE IT GRR. Had to write this while my fingers hurt because I didn't wanna forget about it. Yay! Ok toodles you randos on the internet! -Kala

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