Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Homecoming

    Yin Ronglan never took the initiative to ask Chen Zhan's new way to make money until he was about to arrive at the hotel.

    The two lived on the same floor of the hotel. When taking the elevator, Yin Ronglan said, "Tomorrow we have a lot of scenes, do you want to talk about the words first?

    " 'Big Brother', often makes people feel at a loss.

    Chen Zhan thought it was necessary to get used to this name and nodded.

    Not long after entering the room, without any unnecessary nonsense in the middle, I started directly to the script.

    After listening to the same words several times, there is no freshness. After a few times, Chen Zhan has been able to calmly deal with the wonderful lines.

    After closing the script, Chen Zhan twisted his neck from side to side a few times, and his cervical spine felt a lot more comfortable: "It's not early, I'll be here today."

    Yin Ronglan nodded, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Zhan took out a sewing box from the suitcase.

    Slightly startled, Yin Ronglan saw the familiar needle threading, with complex brilliance in his eyes: "Fixing clothes?"

    Chen Zhan shook his head: "I'm going to make a sample, I'll go back and find a foundry for mass production.

    " A very cute Q version shape, you can easily recognize that this is a miniature version of me.

    Watching him start embroidering seriously, Yin Ronglan gradually fell into silence when he thought of the finished cross-stitch that hung in front of the old man's door not long ago.

    Chen Zhan brought a lot of materials for this trip. After sewing and mending with his fingers deftly, he stuffed some cotton inside as filler, and a doll that could scare people was born.

    The strange thing is that the sewed eyebrows and eyes are clearly distorted, and the shadow of Chen Zhan can still be vaguely seen in his demeanor.

    There was a wonderful ring on the top of the doll's head, Yin Ronglan was silent for a moment, and said, "Very unique keychain."

    Chen Zhan corrected: "Amulet."

    Yin Ronglan stared at it for a few seconds: the eyes that were up and down were almost crooked to the nose beside his mouth. From an artistic point of view, this is a fragmented doll.

    Chen Zhan: "Recently, there have been a lot of comments on the Internet that I used to be put down."

    It was only by chance that he discovered the excuse that he arbitrarily excused Lin Chi Ang, which had been brought up by netizens before.

    "Originally, I wanted to make a three-piece doll set: a curse doll, a puppet doll, and a substitute doll," Chen Zhan said lightly, "Considering that the influence is not good, and it is easy to bring small children,

    I changed it to an amulet." Think about it." Holding the doll in the palm of his hand, he changed his tone: "Transportation is a must for avoiding villains. After receiving the goods, you will find that the real thing looks good."


    Yin Ronglan rationally made a judgment after thinking. Looking at the topic that Chen Zhan once mentioned to avoid after encountering on the road, to prevent him from being beaten to death.

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