"Yes Scarlett, I am definitely sure of what I'm doing, and I am not backing down from this." I said

"It's just, it's really risky what we are about to commit." She said

"Scarlett, I am not going to stop this plan from happening, I am going through with it, no matter what. And if you don't want to attempt to escape with us, you don't have to." I said

I am not backing down from this plan, I have to escape and get back to my sister.

"No it's fine, I just wanted to see if you understood the severity of what we are about to do. I am committed to this." Scarlett said

"Ok good." I said

2 Days Later

In the cell, a guard walked up to it, and got my attention and started to say something.

"Hey, Heather, come with me." He said

"Why do I have to go with you?" I asked

"You really want to know?" The guard asked

"Yea, that's why I asked, bucket for a brain." I said

"I'm bringing you over for Mark's trial, you are his wife, right?" He asked rhetorically

"Ok fine, one second." I said

I decided to talk this over with Scarlett, for a second.

"So Scarlett, do you think this is going to end well?" I asked her

"Well, it's hard to tell, we just have to hope the punishment isn't too harsh." She said

"Yea, I know." I said

"Pray for no execution." She said seriously

She said that with such a serious tone, like she was petrified of it happening. Also, that it was a real possibility of it occurring.

Our plan could be ruined if it is.

"Yea let's hope not." I said

"Well, good luck Heather." Scarlett said

"Thanks, see ya." I said

"Ok, now let's go." The guard said

He then cuffed me and brought me all throughout the jail, and took me to the cop car.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

"To court, your husbands trial is soon." He said

"Ok." I said

"And since your still a criminal, you still have to be cuffed to the bench as well as your husband." He said

"Yea, I kinda figured that." I said

"And you will be cuffed to a bench right behind him, and you will not be prohibited to have any physical interactions with him." He said

"Ok that's fine, I wouldn't have touched him either way, no matter what." I said

"And just so you know, you will not be allowed to talk at all throughout the court session, and if you do, you will be escorted out of court." He said

Mark and Heather's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now