Asystole to Rosc

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Third POV
**Back At the office**

Richard Hammond was sitting on the small sofa with a weighted blanket placed around his shoulders. James May was in the kitchen making him a mug of hot chocolate filled with marshmallows (which was his favourite) May walked into the room and wordlessly gave Hammond the sweet drink before taking a seat on the armchair infront of him

"Thanks James.." Hammond said his voice was very quiet and filled with heavy emotion but he tried to stay strong for Jeremy's sake. He then took a sip of the hot chocolate before placing the mug on the table. May reached over to grab Richard's knee to offer a bit of comfort. He was taken back by a forceful shudder "s-sorry James.." Richard said sadly shaking his head May instantly knew something was up it made sense his best friend just died...Hammond doesn't even know that Clarkson is dead but it was announced an hour again and may had only just got the phonecall.

"Hammond" May said seriously "I need your full attention alright, mate?" Hammond reluctantly nodded his head as he bit his lip his shaking frame filled James up with more guilt as I tried to shake the feeling off he didn't want Richard to feel uncomfortable by May's abnormal body language.

"Rich..." May continued as Richard straightend himself up lifting of the chair slightly "Jeremy is dead.." there was a horrifying silence between the two men James tried to give Richard a comforting look but Hammond just sat there, stunned. Unable to move. Just trying to get the will power to speak as James silently perched on the arm of the sofa wrapping his arms around Hammond and pulling him towards his side.

"H-How?" Hammond asked his voice wobbling. "H-How d-did h-he...?" He sounded desperate as James took a deep breath explaining the whole story.



James May just finished brushing his teeth in the bathroom as his phone started loudly buzzing. He picked up the phone to see who was ringing it was a by a unknown number but then he recognised the small numbers underneath the digits of the unknown number in brackets shown


Instantly pressing awnser James was in a panicking state this must have been about Jeremy he placed the phone up to his ear when a young lady answered on the other end. James took a deep breath before talking into the smartphone he currently uses.

"Hello this Amanda Lewis and Mr Jeremy Clarkson's nurse on the ICU resus." She said kindly May felt a sort of comfort from Amanda who stayed a bit silent while James introduced himself to miss Lewis.

"I'm friend with Jeremy Clarkson both me and my other friend Richard Hammond. We are struggling to even relax this afternoon do you have any updates on Clarkson's accident?" James said frantically his now running a hand through his hair and struggled to keep calm when the other line went dead quiet for a me minutes this was frustrating for the man who huffed out in frustration as he perched himself on the closes toilet seat lid.

"Okay Mr May we've got an update" her voice sounded grim now James had a gut feeling as his eyes darted all over the office bathroom. Taking deep breaths as Amanda continued "Jeremy Clarkson didn't survive." James May's eyes just snapped open and his hearing was fuzzy as he struggled to listen in Amanda's voice sounded distant to may as he felt something walm trickle down his face.

"C-Clark-son...I-I-Is d-dead?" James choked out as he covered his mouth with his hand to muffle out the shocked and distressed cry. Her voice was still distant as James continued to try and listen in even though his crying made it harder.

"I'm afraid so Mr May" Miss Lewis said mournfully as she hung her head on the as she heard James's soft whimpers on the other line. It took James a solid couple of minutes before taking a shaky breath as he ran his fingers through his hair.

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