Parents Meeting

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"Babe how do I look? Do I look pretty or should I dress formally? I think I'm wearing too casual!, Can we just dropped by to the mall so I can buy a new clothes?" Yeji said worriedly and the nervousness in her voice is so evident

"Babe stop worrying okay? You look gorgeous in anything you would wear, don't be nervous okay? I'm here" Ryujin tried to calm her girlfriend.

"I want to make a good impression to your mother!, would she like me? Does she know your bringing a girlfriend and not a boyfriend, is she picky of whom would you date, gosh this is nerve wracking" Yeji said

"Babe, she would like you okay? No one would ever resist your charms and yes she know I'm into girl and she's not homophobic. And nope she's not picky, she want me to date whoever I love and happy with. I know she would support us. So rest your mind hmm?" Ryujin said before leaving a peck on Yeji's forehead.

"Thank you" Yeji mumbled

"For what?"

"For calming me, it absolutely helps"

"Anything for you, so let's go?"

"Wait, can I change for a second? It look so casual" she said while checking herself in the mirror

"It's not, you look incredibly beautiful"

"Are you sure or you're just lying to me?"

"Why would I lie to you hm? So let's go?" She asked again offering her hand

"Okay, but I'm still nervous" Yeji said interlocking their hands together walking out of Yeji's room

"We're going guys, see you later" Yeji said to her friends

"Okay, see you later" Chaeryeong said

"Ryujin, take care of my best friend, yeah?" Lia warned

"I will so don't worry much" Ryujin replied and they went outside the house to find Ryujin's driver waiting for them.

They were about to enter the car but Karina went out of the door Rushing before shouting "Yejiii" that made Yeji stopped from her tracks


"Please wear condoms alright?" Karina teased before running back inside their shared house and Ryujin hang her mouth open.

"Dumb" Yeji mumbled before going inside the car and Ryujin followed

The driver started the engine and the ride to Ryujin's house was quite the closer they get the sweater Yeji get. Once they were already in front of Ryujin's house Yeji's hand began to shake.

"It's alright, I understand if you're still not ready to meet my parent" Ryujin said smiling

"What? No? It's just that, I'm nervous" Yeji shyly admitted,

"Let's go?" Ryujin asked and Yeji taked a deep breathe before nodding.  Ryujin went out first  and waited for Yeji to went out.

They went inside the gate and walked their way to the front door, Yeji was examining Ryujin's house. It was big and it has a swimming pool but it has a cover they have a two storey house. Ryujin knocked and a older lady opened the door for them.

"Oh" Ryujin's mom and her eyes turned into a teasing one looking at Ryujin.

"Hello Ms. Shin, I'm Yeji" she introduced herself before bowing to show some respect

"Oh my goodness, I didn't know Ryujin would bring her special someone today, I didn't even dressed well. Come in come in, please feel yourself at home" Ryujin's mom said moving into the side of the door welcoming to two.

The couple sat comfortably in the sofa and Ryu's mom went into the kitchen to prepare some juice before serving it to them

"Here's some juice, and wait I'll just change my clothes, excuse me" the older woman said before rushing in her bedroom to change.

They were both left in the living room and Yeji wandered her eyes around, they have a modern house big living room with a expensive sofa also the big tv. Yeji already know that they were rich but she didn't expect it to this rich rich.

Ryujin's mom went back before sitting in front of them

"Hello, Yeji right?" The woman asked and Yeji nodded politely

"Yes, Ms. Shin" she answered

"Oh, you can just call me mom, I wouldn't mind it besides..." Her mom teased Ryujin and the latter just rolled her eyes.

"Oh okay, mom?" Yeji asked unsure

"That's what I love to hear, so how did you two met?"

"Mom this is not an interview okay?" Ryujin butted in

"I'm just asking geez" her mom replied

"Oh, we met in the school we bumped into each other, that was our first encounter" Yeji answered

"Really? That's also the reason why I met Ryujin's dad" her mom excitedly said.

"Oh really?" Yeji asked in disbelief

"Yes, how long have you guys been dating?"

"A month and a week now" Ryujin answered

"So you really did what you said huh?" -ms. Shin

"What did you said?" Yeji curiously asked her lover

"She said that she will introduced you to me when you're already hers" her mom said that made Ryujin whined

"Mom that was supposed to be out secret"

"Already yours huh?" Yeji aslo teased

"We are supposed to be the team here" Ryujin said pouting

"Sorry Ryuddaeng, you're just so fun to teased" Yeji replied

"You guys are so cute it's making me want to fall inlove again and be a teenager" her mom said looking at her daughter and Yeji.


"Yes mom?"

"Can I asked you a question?"

"Sure what is it mom?"

"What did you see in my daughter, you see she's pain in the head" her mom teased that made Yeji giggled

"Well first she's a gentlewoman, kind and handsomely beautiful" Yeji replied

"Kind? Where?" Her mom teased as if she's like examining Ryujin's face

"Mom!!" Ryujin whined again

"Also, I like her acting like this, it looks like I have a baby my baby" Yeji replied smiling

"Our baby, she's still my big baby until now" Ms. Shin said.

"Oh my bad, our baby but different, you know?" Yeji said unsure what's the right word to say

"You're right" her mom said chuckling

"Also Ryujin, don't you dare hurt Yeji okay? Or else I'll disown you" her mom threatened

"I won't mom and that would never happen" she assure her mom

"Good" her mom said smiling again

The whole day was full of their conversations, sometimes Ryujin's mom was asking about Yeji's life. But Yeji didn't mind it in the end Yeji slept in Ryujin's house because it was already 10pm and their driver already went home. Even though Ryujin has a car and she know how to drive, she still doesn't have licence and her mom wouldn't allow her to drive.

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