They're Classmates

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Week past so fast and today is Ryujin's first day of school being a grade 11 student.

She woke up early and did her morning routines before going into the school.

She is now walking through the corridors of the school wearing her uniform. Uniform for ryujin was hell for her, she was not comfortable wearing skirts.

She is going to the cafeteria because her annoying friends was already waiting for her there. Their usual spot.

Walking into the hallway being the main hot topic early in the morning, all eyes was on her. She was already used to this. But at first she was uncomfortable being the center of attention, being the introvert she is but as the time passes by she is getting used to it.

As she walked into the another hallway, the accident happened last week came into her mind. The girl she bumped, the feline girl, Yeji.

Ever since that day she didn't stop thinking about the girl she met a week ago.

She was literally silently manifesting in her mind for them to meet again, she's not gonna deny it, she was attracted to the girl named Hwang Yeji.

She arrived at the cafeteria and all the eyes was already on her. She spotted her friends laughing looking at her.

"Hey Ryu we miss you" Yuna and Winter shouted in unison that makes the people look at them.

Ryu just glared at them slowly approaching her noisy friends.

"You guys are so noisy early in the morning" she said giving light punches at their shoulders.

"Who cares" Yuna said rolling her eyes

"I care" Ryu replied that made Yuna and Winter laughed loudly

"Since when" Winter asked playfully

"Right now?" Ryujin asked unsure before rolling her eyes, running her hands through her hair. Damn cool.

Winter and Yuna laughed again at her response which the latter ignored.

"Anyway dude who's this girl you're talking about last week?" Yuna opened up another topic

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about that, Hwang Yeji isn't it?" Winter said playfully wiggling her eyebrows

"Do you want me to shave your eyebrows winter?" Ryujin dodge the question kinda regretting why she shared that topic to her annoying friends, knowing they're gonna tease her everytime and every chance they get

"Anyway I have new cafe in mind" Ryu changes the subject

"Come on, changing the topic huh?" Yuna teased

"So she's the lucky girl huh?" Winter teased that made Ryujin facepalm herself groaned in annoyance. Her friend was having fun teasing her.

They were just talking, filling the days they missed but most of it they were just teasing their little friend, but their teasing stop when the school bell rang indicating they need to go to their respective classrooms, with a grunt, they stand up from where they sitted, lazily walking to their room.

Approaching the room, you can already hear the chaos inside even though the doors were closed, good thing no teachers passed by or else their classmates will be dead meat for being noisy first day of school.

They entered the classroom and the loud chaos fade for a moment, afraid that it was the teacher who went in, realizing it was their classmates, the noise went back in just a second.

They sat at their usual spot, the third row, left side.

The noise in their classroom fade when the teacher went in.

Ryu notice that the teacher has someone in her back but didn't went inside the classroom.

"Hello grade 11, I will be your adviser in this school year, I'm Ms. Kim I hope I wouldn't have any hard time with you all since I just said you are already in grade 11" The teacher said

"Anyways let's welcome our new student" the teacher said as she motioned someone to went in.

The figure went inside their classroom that made Ryujin eyes widen and Winter notice it causing her to smirk, Winter know it now.

"Introduced yourself hija" the teacher in courage the girl

"Hi I'm Hwang Yeji, a transferee from Singapore, I hope we'll get along" Yeji said smiling sweetly.

Once the name was out Yuna smirked looking at her friend who was shocked but smiling.

"Hmm, I think it's the other way around huh? Ryu is tho one who's lucky" Yuna said in her mind

"So Yeji, welcome to Kwangya AG Senior High School, you can choose any sit you want but I prefer you to sit beside Ryujin since she'll be the one who'll tour you later, Ryujin please raise your hand" the teacher said looking at yeji before diverting her eyes on Ryu secretly smirking.

Yeji bowed at her teacher and her classmates before taking Mrs. Chavez's offer, since she and Ryu already know each other so why not sit beside her too?

Yeji settled herself beside Ryu, muttering a small hi and ryu also did the same.

"Didn't know we'll be classmates" Ryu lowly said smiling

"Same here" Yeji said returning the smile

"Ekhem" Winter fakely cough that caught their attention, ryu can only glared at them and Yuna rolled her eyes

"Hi Yeji I'm winter, winter kim, Ryujin's friend the coolest one" Winter introduced herself offering a handshake that Yeji accepted

"Hi Yeji I'm Yuna, Yuna Shin, the tallest one" Yuna also asked for handshake that Yeji also take

The small introduction was done and Ryujin can't hide her smile.

The teacher was already in the middle of her discussion, and Winter notice Ryujin being so smiley, so she nudge Yuna's shoulder motioning her head to look at Ryujin that made them both to look at each other before snickering holding their laughter.

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