Chapter 1: The Unexpected

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

 Cloudy a sunny day

Cal's Pov

“Ok Aaron, you ready to see our new house?” I said while covering his eyes with my hands, “Mhm” Aaron hummed in an excited tone 

               “Ok, uhm...OH! jade on 3” 


                          “1. . . 2. . . 3!”

 we both said in a surprise tone revealing our house, well mansion.

(House picture on the front cover)

“OMG!!! THE HOUSE IS HUGE!!” Aaron yelled in excitement. 

“Yes, this place is huge, but wait until you see the inside, and sis can you explain what we got inside please. I'm terrible at explaining stuff" I said with an embarrassed look sigh, 

"Ok, sure, I'll list off what we have inside" 

 "Thank you!" stated Cal

 "No problem, Cal, ok so we have 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens', a basement, an attic, pool in the back yard, 5 libraries, 2 music soundproof rooms, 2 living rooms, 3 dining rooms, 2 balconies in the back, a big garden maze in the back, and for some reason we have 15 bedrooms"

"Holy stars" Aaron and I said with a surprised faces 🤯🤯

"So, Aaron want to pick your room first?” Jade said looking down towards Aaron. Without hesitation he bolted inside like there's no tomorrow

"Ptff- I'll take that as a yes" Jade said as she and I both walked in the house with our stuff. There was a comfortable silence between us until Jade spoke up 

"Wow! We got this for a really good price and-"

before she continued, I cut her off

"I love it! It's peaceful and quiet too" I said with a sigh of relief "Well, I'm going to head upstairs and pick a room ok Cal?"

"Ok, I'll be down here and writing my story. Ok, Jade I'll go and find my room later" I said "Ok, but make sure you choose your room before night falls ok sis?"

"Ok, love Ya Jade"

 "Love you too, D/n (Dead name). I'll make sure the E-woke is in his room safe and sound" and like that she left to go check on the young one. As for me, I went to one of the libraries to write my story.

Jade's P.O.V.

After my talk with D/n who preferred to be called Cal, because well- personal reasons, as I walk up the stairs to go and check on Aaron, I hear a lot of noises coming from his room. Then, a loud THUD as I open Aaron's bedroom door, I see that a lot of boxes and clothing scattered on the floor, I quickly walk towards the pile of boxes and clothing. there was silence... 

I moved closer and closer and closer.  Aaron jumps out and tackles me into a huge hug

"Haha, why hello child what happened here?" Jade questioned.

"Uh... I tried to make a fort and climb to the top but~, it fell" explained Aaron.

"Oh, OK, well let's clean this up and set up your room. Then, we can have dinner. Ok?" 

"Uuuuggghh... okay " he pouted and sighed "Come on, when we're done cleaning, I'll let you help me make dinner. Ok E-woke?" 

"Ok and I'M NOT AN E-WOKE!"

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