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I stretch slightly in the enclosed abandoned den, pinkish yellow light flooding in through the small hole at the front of the den. Waking up to The first light of dawn once again.

The opening being awfully small since this used to be a fox den, I stumbled upon it last night and found it as a nice place to sleep for the night since the pain in my side had come back.

I yawn and stand up before quickly going quiet and still as I hear footsteps approaching, a set of two. They could be loners, they sometimes stay in small groups, but I know for a fact that it's pack members. Slowly backing up to the far wall as the steps come closer.

Please just keep moving and go past me! Nothin to see here! I silently plead as the steps are just outside the opening. Apparently I'm not all that lucky because the foot steps stop right in front of the den.

I snout pokes into the opening and sniffs the air, I growl a deep and hostile warning growl.

Maybe of I sound big and scary they'll leave me alone. as long as they don't see how small and scrawny I am, other wise they'll have no problem attacking me.

They stick their whole head in and look at me, his amber eyes meet mine. Concern, alarm, and shock wavered in his eyes. He squeezed more through the hole so that his front half was in the den but I growled more and pressed up against the jagged rock wall before a yelp of pain hit me as my wound scrapped against the rock. I feel warm liquid running down my fur and onto the floor as the smell of fresh blood filled the den.

The wolf removes his body from the den and suddenly becomes a human, using his other form he spoke to the other wolf in a language that I don't understand, it sounds like muffled whispers before I hear him shift back and quickly run off, probably got the message to just leave me be.

My ears rung and I couldn't tell if I heard both wolves leave or just one. I could leave the den now and make a run for it, but it could be a trap and someone could be waiting for me, and I don't think I could run very well with another attack. But if they are both gone and I just wait here then they'll be back with more pack members.

Suddenly I different snout sniffed the den and I took my strike, I lunged forward and latched onto their muzzle. They yanked out, dragging me with them, I released and bolted away, pain hammering in my side. I heard a loud howl calling out to other wolves before a set of paws were behind me running towards me. I dashed around trees, my aching side making me slower than usual as I could hear the wolf getting closer, just on my heels. I dove under some bushes, hoping that his large frame wouldn't get through but they easily tore through the Bush and continued after me. They howled again and more howls that was way to close for comfort ansered, atleast three.

Suddenly a large force ran into my side causing me to yelp in pain as I fell to the ground. I whimpered in agony and watched as large Island wolves, or more fancily called Alexander Archipelago wolves, towered over me with a look I couldn't place.

Like I'm surprisingly small, even for being an omega, but these guys were scary intimidating, large muscular frames of black fur and strong muscles with powerful legs.

I growled and tried to get up but whined at the pain in my side. Suddenly a buffer looking wolf came forward, he held a more dominate scent that scared me but I kept a low growl. He glared at me and gave off a soft warning growl that quickly shut me up. He walked towards me and I couldn't help but whimper in fear, realizing my body is trembling from the blistering cold since it was still early and the sun hasn't had time to make it warmer out.

He lowered his muzzle towards me and I braced myself to get my throat ripped out, a simple and quick way to kill lone wolves. But instead of feeling teeth sink into my skin, I feel his put his paw on my side, pinning me down slightly.

I growl and lunge at his leg for a warning nibble, I swear I wasn't actually going to bite him! He swiftly dodged me and swiped at my muzzle, I yelped as the sudden pain on my muzzle as now there is a gash.

He growls at me, more hostile than before and gets real close to me. Watch it pup. He growled, I looked away from his intense glare and rested my head on my paws. I didn't even notice my shaking until I notice the alpha sniffing me and my wound, catching my scent while the other three or four wolves sit patiently for his next order or for my next move.

I start feel my eyes get heavy and I pass out from exhaustion and most likely blood loss from over the past two days.

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