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The worst part about being lonely, is not knowing how to change it.

You see all these couples everywhere you go, but you have no clue how to get there yourself.

You sit and daydream about falling in love all the time, and you wish on every star, on the clock, and for every birthday candle for the same thing.

You live and breathe for the day of your wedding, and for every waking and sleeping hour, minute, and second to be with the one person who makes your heart beat.

You sit with your head in the clouds yearning for that moment, just to have a dark cloud awaiting for the moment to shock you back into reality.

Everyone wants something to just happen overnight, but there is no actual magic in this world.

It hurts even more for those of us who actually believe though.

I know it will never be like the fairytales, and the romance stories in books and on the tv.

I just wish that I knew how to find the true magic that is inside of me and let the world see who I really am.

Maybe then I wouldn't be so alone.

I just need a chance, and then maybe someone will see that I am good enough for them.

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