A Tear in the Universe

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The dark, ominous sound of the approaching Sith caused dread to appear in the hearts of all who heard them, the current imperial officers were no exception to this rule. They saw the black encroaching shape of Darth Vader walk through the hallway of the Imperial Star Destroyer and all backed away as he passed.

"Admiral Piett, what seems to be so important that you have called for me." Came the sound of the Dark Lord, who was annoyed to be called from his ship and have his hunt for the Jedi Skywalker be delayed.

"Lord Vader, if we could please talk about this in my office." Said the Admiral nervously, clearly uncomfortable to be speaking to the Sith lord.

"Very well, however if this is not important I hope you are prepared to face the consequences. It would be a shame to have to replace you, like your predecessor."

Admiral Piett looked uncomfortable about the threat, clearly remembering how he earned his promotion, but he managed to keep his composure. "Of course Lord Vader."

The two men walked through the hallway in the Star Destroyer and entered an empty conference room. The soldiers of the imperial military looked at their admiral in admiration of his ability to speak to the intimidating monster that was Lord Vader without trembling.

"Now Admiral, what seems to be the issue." Vader spoke.

"Sir, a probe droid was analyzing an area that was under suspicion of rebel activity and was able to transmit a few images before it was destroyed." The Admiral paused for a moment, collecting himself.


"When the image came back we saw what appeared to be, well, let me show you." Admiral Piett pulled up an image of some type of, well, tear in the fabric of space.

"What is that?" Vader demanded to know. He had seen many, many strange things throughout his lifetime, but a tear in space was not one of them.

"We don't know Lord Vader. Our analysts have sent probe droids through and they go in, but they don't come out. They are confidant that they aren't being destroyed, but otherwise, they have no idea."

Darth Vader stood there silent, reaching out with the force in search of answers, and scaring the Admiral in the room who dared not interrupt the dangerous man.

Suddenly, Darth Vader burst into movement walking out of the room with Admiral Piett rushing behind him.

"Admiral Piett, I shall speak to the Emperor of this. Wait here!" Vader ordered as he stepped into a private room to com the Emperor, the leader of the Galactic Empire.

Vader walked up to the com platform, inputted his personal codes and kneeled on the ground waiting for the Emperor to appear. Soon the blue hologram of the scarred, and hooded Emperor erupted from the table.

"Lord Vader, what news do you bring?"

"My master, a strange anomaly has been discovered in the depths of space by one of our probe droids. I am... unsure if I should investigate. The force is sending me strange messages."

The Emperor went silent and closed his eyes, turning his powerful might in the force towards the anomaly that was thousands of lightyears away from where he stood on Coruscant. Soon he opened his eyes and looked to his apprentice.

"Investigate this matter at once. There is something strange at work here, and I do not like it."

"Right away, my master." Darth Vader intoned in his dark, reverting voice.

He then stood up from his position on the ground and stepped out of the room to where Admiral Piett was standing at attention.

"Admiral Piett, plot a course towards this 'tear' at once. We shall investigate its origins and report back to the Emperor of our findings."

"Right away sir!" Admiral Piett responded with a crisp salute before moving to obey his new orders. Within minutes the Star Destroyer was moving towards its new destination demonstrating the efficiency of the Imperial navy.

All aboard that ship were assured that whatever strange matter they were investigating would swiftly be solved by the powerful and merciless Sith Lord, Darth Vader at the helm.


A/N: Hi readers. I just finished watching Kenobi and love both the Star Wars and Marvel Universe so I got some inspiration. I'm not sure if I'll continue the story but please mention if you like the concept. 

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