Chapter 1: Cracked Paradise

Start from the beginning

Then he looked into the trashcan and grimaced. "You burned a lot of eggs."

"I know."

Madison and Kaldur made their way outside and went on a short walk on the beach, the water licking against the sides of Kaldur's bare feet.

"So this weekend," Kaldur started, "there is a fair in Metropolis. You want to go with me? We can bring along the kids."

Madison frowned. "We're pretty busy, Kal."

"I know, but since we spend most of our days off being lazier versions of Nightwing, I thought we should take a real day off and have some fun. It's been forever since you visited the orphanage, anyway." He reasoned.

"So we're just going to ignore the hundreds of things that need to be taken care of?" Madison questioned.

Kaldur gave her a look. "They aren't urgent. Besides, we have the whole League and the team. I'm sure nobody is going to miss us if we're gone for a day."

The two of then transported to the zeta tube and walked into Mount Justice. Nightwing was in the center, in the middle of a sparring match with the new Robin, Jason Todd.

Oh. Nevermind. Nightwing just threw Robin to the ground.

"Fine." Madison decided.

Kaldur grinned victoriously.

Nightwing helped Robin up and looked over.

"If you two don't take a day off, I'll have Batman suspend you." He warned.

"Don't worry, I have it covered." Kaldur assured him.

"Aim for his face." Madison told Robin. "Nightwing relies on his feet more than anything."

"I know! Batman told me the same thing." Robin huffed. "But he's not letting his guard down!"

"You'll get me eventually." Nightwing smirked. "Or not."

Kaldur and Madison looked over as Connor walked into the room, his face sour.

"Uh, I'll meet you in the control room." Madison patted Kaldur's arm distantly as she watched Connor go.


Madison walked after the half-krytontian and he slowed down at the sound of her footsteps.

"Hey, Connor." Madison greeted with a smile.

"Don't do it." He warned. "Don't ask."

"I won't if you tell me."

Connor huffed. "I don't need you checking up on me all the time. You have your own problems to worry about."

"Yeah... But I have Kaldur and you. And since Megan decided to- I'm not going to say something rude about a telepath, but you have me Connor. I want to know what's going on." She told me.

Connor took a momemt before he sighed and stopped, turning to face the white cloaked hero.

"I can't stand being around Lagon! Especially when he's with Megan. Their happiness is... not making me happy. I'm being selfish, I know. But-" Connor let out a breath of frustration.

"I know what you mean." Madison smiled. "Raquel used to flirt with Kaldur and he didn't always realize it. I got mad..." She trailed off and winced. "But Lagon and Megan are together. I'm sure, eventually, you'll get over her."

Connor huffed. "I know, I know. I just wish she would realize that it's wrong to use her powers the way she does. That she hurt me."

Madison bit her lip. "I'm sorry. I wish she would too, but people always make excuses for themselves. Even nice alien girls."

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