05 : i'm not going anywhere

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chapter five ~ i'm not going anywhere


gabriella ❁

i was getting worried about conrad, he seemed so off. 

he was open with me about everything just not his feelings, like ever. 

whenever id ask if he was okay he'd just simply reply with "yeah, fine." maybe i was overthinking it, i just cared about him a lot. 

it took him a few minutes till he finally replied to my message, but it was nothing special.

connie <3 

Today 1:55 pm

i'm here for you no matter what conrad, i'll always be here. even if we randomly stop talking, which i don't see that being possible but i'm here. then, now and forever.


you there???

i'm sorry if i said something wrong.

connie <3

sorry bad reception

thanks gabs :)

oh yeah it's okay.

connie <3

i'm gonna go head down to the beach w/ jere


oh okay, bye.

i sighed and turned off my phone. why was he being like this?

sometimes conrad would be the sweetest boy, other times he'd be a dick. those 'other times' were right now.

 i always hoped conrad would feel the same way about me, but he doesn't even give a fuck. am i not real enough for him? 

maybe i don't know conrad as much as i thought i did. 

he was just trying to mess with my feelings! of course, it's always the ones with pretty faces who end up treating you like shit. 

--- ☀ ---


why the fuck did i do that!?

why was it so hard for me to tell her how i truly felt, not just about my feelings for her but how i felt. like what i was really going though. 

i'd always push it to the side, i mean who could give a fuck about my feelings anyway right? 

her. she would. she does.

 it's different with gabriella, i trust her. and only her. 

i just keep so much shit hidden until i'm at my breaking point, but theres never anyone there to save me at the end because i keep getting fucked over by people. was there really something wrong with me? were my parents right, do i need to start seeing someone? 

𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 || conrad fisher - tsitpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon