Chapter 6: Flowers

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The pink haired man stood in front of Y/N's castle. It was large, intimidating, like the man who owned it. It seemed strong, dangerous, yet graceful, the way all of Y/N's architecture was. Technoblade had seen the h/c-ette's architecture before, it all held the same energy. Something indescribably Y/N. Technoblade admired the man though he had never met him, and here he was, going to ask to 'hang out' with the prince. Techno hated government and here he was befriending the goddamn prince.

He sighed, ignoring the knockers on the door and instead knocking with his hand. No answer. He knocked again, slightly harder, no answer.

Techno began to grow worried, the last time he visited Y/N had opened the door almost immediately. He practically banged on the door. A yelp could be heard inside, worrying Techno to the point of just opening the door. He was met with a startled Y/N running into him.

Y/N stared down at Techno, helping him up as he had knocked him down. "Sorry I- I passed out by the fire... how did I not wake to..." he trailed off, looking frustrated and puzzled. Techno attempted a smile beneath is mask, although Y/N couldn't see it he could feel the awkward energy. "Er- so what are you doing here? Not that your unwelcome of course I-" Techno cut the taller male off "I wanted to hang out!" he blurted out, starting confident. "Go uh, farm or go to the nether...?" He trailed off, quickly loosing his confidence. He looked up at the H/C-ette, relived to find a shocked smile on his face.

"Yah, sounds fun, uh, maybe you think its stupid but maybe we could go flower picking?" Although he looked calm Y/N was very worried. First of all, Dream wanted Techno, that was bad. Second of all, as much as he loved flower picking he didn't want the other to look down on him. He really did admire Technoblade, from what he had heard he was a force to be reckoned with.

Techno nodded, and though his mask hid it he was smiling. Y/N grinned and grabbed his bag "Lets go then!" The two left the castle behind, Techno allowed Y/N to take the lead. Normally walking would have annoyed the shorter man but walking with Y/N was nice. Having company was nice, Y/N wasn't special... right? Techno shook his head, the voices beginning to bother him.


Ambush him!


The voices went on and on, urging Techno to hurt Y/N. He must have made some sort of noise of discontent because Y/N looked at him, tilting his head inquisitively. Like a puppy. "Hey, Technoblade you ok..?" He looked honestly worrie"I'm fine Y/N, and you can just call me Techno" He seemed irritated now, and Y/N subconsciously moved away from him. Although Y/N wasn't aware he was currently making an expression much like a kicked puppy. Techno simply continued on, feeling slight remorse for his actions. Whatever, it wasn't a big deal, Y/N was just sensitive.

"Tadaaa!" after a while of silence the two had arrived at a lovely flower patch. Y/N smiled and held his arms up, as if presenting the flowers. Techno allowed a chuckle "Lovely" He nodded.

"So flower picking eh? Didn't peg you for the type" Y/N nodded, although he kept his face calm the way he tucked his left foot behind his right leg told Techno he was nervous. "They're beautiful, it does pay off I've seen your castle and your other buildings" Techno didn't truly care that Y/N was nervous yet here he was reassuring the man.

"Mhm, you've seen my other works? Damn how did you even know it was me? Not that I'm complaining of course" Y/N was intrigued now, he built things all over the server, usually on the outskirts of cities and villages. If one went looking they could find them but hardly anyone did. Or so he thought.

"Of course I have, and you do put your name on all of them." Techno deadpanned, staring up at Y/N although to Y/N it felt like he was being stared down. Y/N hated eye contact, he hardly ever had to make it and he hated when he did. Yet he maintained eye contact."Right... what can I say I'm proud of them.. they're not much but-" Techno scoffed, tossing dirt at Y/N.

"Most everyone on the smp has seen them, they're rather famous, and very well built. Don't say they're not much, they're made by my favorite architect" Y/N stared down in shock, Techno feeling just as shocked at his own words. Of course he would defend Y/N's buildings but, he didn't mean to show how much he cared. How much he admired them. "Er.. thanks?" Y/N looked to the ground, kicking dirt nervously "I didn't even know that people had seen them... I'm your favorite architect?" Y/N had tucked his left leg behind his right again, such an obvious tell. Painfully so, god he was so sheltered. He didn't even worry about it, or notice it.

"Tch, its not a big deal. But don't talk trash about your buildings. Stupid" he grumbled, and Y/N tried to speak. All that escaped him was a squeak.

After a few more squeaky attempts at speech he managed out a small "Your my favorite fighter.." he trailed off before mumbling a small add on "good reputation.."

After a while of picking flowers in uncomfortable silence Y/N spoke. "Uh, we should head back.. and I need to tell you something.." he gulped, scared on how Techno would take it.

"Well go ahead then" Techno rolled his eyes, starting to walk back to the direction of Y/N's home.

"Your in danger- I think, well Dream he came to my place in the middle of the night last night. He asked where you were. Said I was the last person you were seen with, I don't know why he wants you but... I don't know.. bad vibes?" He sighed, saying it out loud made him feel so stupid. Techno stood still for a bit, allowing the taller mans words to process. Although he was worried, he forced a scoff "Dude why are you worried? I'm the Technoblade I'll be fine. But hey" he walked back to Y/N, who was standing on a block below him. Giving Techno the very slightest height advantage as he leaned close to Y/N "Don't tell Dream I was with you ok? Our little secret"

Y/N gulped, nodding. "Ok...." He didn't want this. He hated secrets, he hated lying. He was a bad liar, a really bad liar. "I- what do I tell him if he comes by? I'm a bad liar, like a really bad liar I couldn't even convince Eret that I didn't break a cup as a kid. And she didn't even accuse me!"

Techno scowled, of course this privileged, sheltered, prick couldn't lie. "You don't answer the door, you stay hidden. Simple" Y/N wined, trying to keep up with Techno's quick stride.

"But-" Techno whipped around, glaring at the taller man.

"What Y/N?! I'm trying to keep you safe so just don't open the damn door for him! If he knows I was with you he'll try to use you against me. I'll let you die but maybe we don't let it come to that hm?" Y/N whimpered, once again making that kicked puppy face. He nodded, and blinked back tears. God he was so sensitive, why was he so sensitive now?! He was never like this around anyone but... having Techno yell at him like this hurt, it made his chest ache and he didn't know why. God he hated not knowing why.

Once they made it back to Y/N's home Techno stalked off, Y/N sadly pushing his door open. He sighed, walking to his room where his pet Axolotl stayed. "Hey Alice..." he greeted her, sitting by her tank. "Ugh, why am I so sensitive around him?!" he burst out, "Why do I care so much when he gets mad! Why does he hang out with me he clearly hates me! Dammit!" he ranted, on and on. Mostly questions.

Little to Y/N's knowledge a certain pink-haired man had heard the entire thing. He sighed Dammit Y/N... I don't hate you but your safer without me, I'm safer without you. Please stop making me want to be around you.

1,408 words
Hey! I hope yall liked this, also I just wanna say that all of the negative things said arn't really bad. Its not meant to be a reflection on you, its more of a Techno's POV thing. Have a lovely day, love yall <3

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