Running away

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<Current day>
[On Tracy island]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a peaceful morning on Tracy island. Alan was in his room sleeping on the floor as usual not in till he had a knock on his door. A voice saying.
"Come on little brother time to wake up."
Alan realised it was Scott. So after he got up,it was then he started not to feel right. He felt hot and started to feel sick. Alan immediately ran out of his room, headed to the bathroom and started to be sick.
[In the bathroom]
After throwing up in the toilet, Alan then leaned back on the wall to take a breath. Suddenly he heard a knock on the bathroom door and heard Gordon concernedly asking.
"Hey Alan, are you alright in there?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Gordon just feel a bit hot and dizzy. I'll be out in a minute." Alan fibbed.
After he said that, Alan then gently got onto his feet, slowly came out of the bathroom and made his way to the living room.
[In the living room]
When Alan came into the living room, he'd seen Scott, Virgil and Gordon talking to Brains and his robot MAX by the seating area. Just then Grandma Tracy came up to him and concernedly asked.
"Alan are you alright sweetie. You don't look very well."
"Yeah grandma I'm fine, I just feel a bit hot no need to worry." Alan fibbed again.
After he said that, Alan then sat down next to his brothers. Just then, John called in from thunderbird 5 saying that there was a situation. John told Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon, Brains and Grandma Tracy that there were some people stuck on a falling building that was on its way of falling down and that they need rescuing right away.
After hearing what John said about the situation, Scott and Virgil decided that they'll go in Thunderbird 1 and 2 and take Gordon and Alan with them as well. Gordon, who was so happy, said.
"Ah yeah we're going too. This is so sweet right Alan?"
"Yeah cool." Alan replied in a weak voice.
Scott and Virgil then went to TB1 and 2 launch bays. When Virgil was ready, Alan and Gordon came aboard thunderbird 2 and then thunderbird 1 and 2 launched off.
[In thunderbird 2]
In thunderbird 2, Virgil told Gordon and Alan what they had to when they got to the situation both Gordon and Alan said "F.A.B." then thunderbird 1 called in saying that they were almost at the rescue and that Alan and Gordon should start preparing themselves.
[At the rescue situation]
When they got to the rescue situation, Alan and Gordon went out in the rescue pods while Scott and Virgil remind in thunderbirds 1 and 2. When Scott and Virgil got the people off the falling building, Alan and Gordon tried to maintain the falling building but Alan, who felt so ill, couldn't maintain the building in the rescue pod and accidentally lost his grip off the building in the rescue pod. Then suddenly the whole building came down.
[Back on Tracy Island]
Scott was so furious with Alan that he made him go to his room after shouting at him about his mistakes on the rescue. Gordon thought Scott was being mean to Alan so he said.
"Hey Scott, that was a bit harsh. Alan didn't mean to lose his grip of the building in the rescue pod and besides I don't think Alan not feeling like himself."
Virgil agreed with Gordon and he said.
"I agree with you Gordon. Alan not quite himself, he looks very pale and feverish."
Scott thought to himself for a minute then he said.
"I guess I was a bit harsh on him. We better keep a close eye on him just in case he gets worse."
[Later that night]
When everyone was asleep, Alan was still awake. He was busy cleaning his room. When he was finished, he then left a letter on Jeff's old desk. Alan thought to himself that he didn't make a thunderbird or a good brother to his family after what happened on that rescue today. So he went to the thunderbird hangers and he left his radio in thunderbird 3 and said to goodbye to her. After saying goodbye to thunderbird 3, Alan took one of the rescue pods and left Tracy Island.

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