What a start

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It was Archer's first day a St. Brooklyn High School, Archer was a little nervous but more excited because he had been getting bullied in grade 6 through 8 and he was finally getting away from the many bullies he had.

As soon as Archer arrived at the school he immediately recognized a blonde guy with blue eyes and freckles.

Archer had stared at the guy for a few moments before he realized it was Clayton Harding, a former classmate of Archer's when he was in grade 4 and Clayton was in grade 5.

Though that year was all the way back in 2017 Archer had remembered that year like the whole 10 months of that school year was yesterday.

Archer then noticed a few people around Clayton, again people he had to stare at for a couple seconds to recognize. After a couple minutes Archer had recognized them as Brooke Crapper and Chelsea Ryan, more former classmates from when Archer was in grade 4.

The first person to see Archer was Chelsea. When Chelsea was in grade 5, Archer had remembered her as a girl that was weirdly obsessed with purple, weird as hell and liked girls.

Chelsea had looked over at the bus Archer had just got off of and then saw him. She immediately recognized Archer and ran over to him.

ARCHER FUCKING MARLOWE?! Chelsea had yelled.

Uh ya, heh. Archer said a bit startled.

Chelsea had not seen Archer in a long time so she was very excited to see him again.

I haven't seen you in years man!! Chelsea whisper yelled.

Archer had no idea why she was whisper yelling. Chelsea had always been really loud and chaotic, well she was all through grade 5. And it was weird to hear her whisper..well sorta.

Uh ya haha. Archer mumbled.

Chelsea had brown hair and blue eyes and it didn't seem like she had grown since grade 6..but he really didn't remember much of when Chelsea was in grade 6 since he had only really seen her during triple ball and basketball practices. She was wearing black overalls, a black long sleeve shirt with a black t-shirt over it, black high top vans and had her hair up half up half down like she had always styled it since she cut it in grade 6.

Well she hasn't changed. Archer thought.

Archer then felt Chelsea pull his arm and basically dragged him over to Clayton and Brooke.

Look who I found!!! Chelsea yelled while pulling Archer beside her and pointing at him.

Brooke rolled her eyes and said "Whooo" in an annoyed voice.

Clayton and Brooke looked over and immediately recognized Archer and almost instantly started talking to him, well Brooke did at least.

Oli is that you?! Brooke said.

"Eh hi?" Archer said sounding like he was asking a question.

Clayton just looked at Archer and as soon as they made eye contact Clayton just looked at his phone.

"Clayton! Say hi!"Said brooke annoyed at her boyfriend.

"Hey." Clayton mumbled not looking up from his phone.

Brooke rolled her eyes and whispered "sorry about him, he's been an asshole for the past week, I think he's on his period." Giggling a bit at the last sentence.

Archer giggled and then the bell rang.

Brooke then asked Archer what his first class was.

"Hey Archer, what's your home room number?" Brooke asked.

Archer pulled out his phone and looked at it because it had his schedule and home room number.

"2-17!"Said Archer looking back up from his phone.

"Sweet! We all got the same home room! We can show you where it is!"

Archer nodded in agreement.

"Ok come on!"Brooke told Archer grabbing him by the wrist.

"Damn how many times am I gonna get dragged around today." Archer thought

This was only the first part of this story so other parts will probably have more words so don't worry!(heads up this is future Chels...I can barely even update T-T)
Thanks for reading- Chels

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