| Prologue |

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Masked is dedicated to the two people that helped me build this rollercoaster and supported me through it all

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Masked is dedicated to the two people that helped me build this rollercoaster and supported me through it all. Thank you.

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"Go make some friends."

Alyssa Sage softly commands her daughter, waiting for the seven year old child to run along so they could go meet Madam Lancaster. Her husband, Kriston, stands outside the office door a few feet away, his foot tapping against the floor impatiently.

Esrin frowns, not wanting to speak to any of the mean girls here again after they made fun of her last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. She's never been one to argue with her parents so she sighs and forces herself to the next room.

Standing on the threshold, Esrin decides that she no longer wants to try to make friends with the girls if they didn't want to be her friend in the first place. Her longing eyes scanned the playroom and they stopped on the little boy sitting by the window.

It took Esrin a few moments to realise what he was doing but she took interest in the little boy drawing on his skin with a black marker. She felt like a victory and as she makes her way to her potential new friend, Esrin prayed he wasn't going to be a meanie.

If she had to admit, it was his chocolate curls sitting beautifully on his head that actually made her sit beside him on the bench pushed against the locked window.

Harry was too consumed by the designs he scattered on his hand, already mapping out what he needed to do to cover his entire arm that he hadn't noticed the girl sitting beside him.

"That's a pretty flower," Esrin spoke up, staring at the flower he'd just finished drawing on the back of his palm. Harry's head snapped up, curls falling over his eyes in the process. He uses the end of the marker to push them away so he'd see the girl properly.

For a moment it felt like his senses were malfunctioning because he was so in shock that someone was actually speaking to him! She's prettier than Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

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