-Chapter 5-

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Courtney's Point of View

After leaving from Bradley's room I stopped back by the nurse's station to drop off my clipboard and put it in my small file cabinet I had. I said bye to the girls that were working; I also talked to Josie and said "if you need me call me. Bradley is in the bed and going to sleep, but I told him I would be back in the morning." She said "oh don't you worry. I'll look after your boyfriend for you" then laughed and winked at me. I shook my head and "thanks Jos you are the best" before clocking out and heading out to my car.

                           -Time Jump- (Day 3)
Rise and shine today is my last day of work for the week. The way that my schedule is for work I will work 3 days with 12 hour shifts each. Some days it's a different because I work night shifts and weekends. Anyways back to what I was doing, right now I am currently making my coffee that I will take with me in my extra large Yeti cup. As I'm making my coffee and looking at my cup I smiled thinking about what Bradley said to me yesterday. I could instantly start feeling the blush rise to my cheeks. It's going to be so sad today knowing that it is his last day and he can go back to the Naval Station. Maybe when I give him his copy of his release papers I can give him my phone number you know for professional reasons only (wink wink).

After finishing up getting ready I grabbed my coffee, purse, and keys and headed out the door. With me having a job in the nursing field I had to be able to commute to work in 30 minutes or less just in case I had to be on call and could get to the medical center fast. Lucky for me I am only about 15 minutes from the medical center. Once I made it to the medical center I parked and then quickly gathered my things that I needed to take in with me. After making my way inside I checked my watch and it was 7:50, so that means I had made it to work with 10 minutes to spare before my shift actually begins at 8 am. I quickly pulled out my badge and clocked in using the scanner. I then walked over to the nurse's station and said "good morning girls! How was last night?" My co-workers that were still on call said "good morning. It was actually pretty calm, which is a good thing." I nodded and said "absolutely." I then put my things down at my station and then grabbed what I needed to go and see Bradley.

Once I made it down to his room I softly knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything so I just went ahead and stepped in. I set my things down on the table and then wrote my name and what the date was on the dry-erase board. After that I went over to Bradley's bedside so I could cheek his IV bags. I felt bad about waking him up but I needed to so I could check his blood pressure and his temperature. I placed my hand in his and lightly squeezed before saying "good morning Bradley. It's 8 o'clock I need you to wake up for me." His eyes fluttered open and he squeezed my hand back before saying "good morning to you too my little nurse." I smiled at him before saying "Sorry I had to wake you up at 8, but I need to go ahead and check your vitals and your ankle to see how the swelling is. I need to get those things done before I can have Dr. Webber come in and then get your release papers ready." He nodded and said "it's alright like I told you yesterday I am perfectly fine with getting up early. I can't believe that today is the day that I am getting released if everything looks good and is healing properly."

After checking his blood pressure and his temperature I began unwrapping his bandage that was around his right ankle. Once the bandage was off you could already tell that the swelling had gone down tremendously and the only thing left was a purplish looking bruise. I said to Bradley "well it looks like your ankle is back to its normal size. I think that by having the tight bandage, and ice pack on it has really helped. Not to mention that we had you take an Ibuprofen too." Bradley looked at me and said "what is that like an Advil?" I laughed and said "yes it is. All an Ibuprofen does is help with swelling and is a fever reducer." He smiled and said "oh okay cool. I'm learning something new everyday." I laughed and said "that my friend you are." I then grabbed my things and said that I was going to go and get Dr. Webber to let him come in and see the progression of his healing ankle. From there he will decide if he even wants to put you in a last day physical therapy or just go ahead and schedule your discharge.

                        -Time Jump-
After Dr. Webber came by and spoke to Bradley he had him do a few physical therapy walking exercises around his room and down the hallway. Once those were complete he had me come back to Bradley's room so I could get any last minute information and then start his discharge papers. I got what I needed from Bradley and then quickly made my way back down to the nurse's station where I would fill everything out and then call Maverick to let him know. While I filled in the paperwork Josie was coming back from her last round. She took a seat next to me and said "so is your boyfriend getting discharged?" I looked over at her and rolled my eyes before saying "you just love to aggravate me don't you? Yes, sadly he is being discharged today. I know I should be happy that he's better, but I'm kinda selfish and sad that he is leaving already."

Josie and one of our other coworkers named Michelle looked at me and said "girl you are in love huh? Why don't you just give him your phone number?" Of course when they said this I got extremely flushed and giddy and said "I can't even explain how I feel. He just makes me all warm and cozy inside. Oh goodness you think that's even remotely appropriate?" Both Michelle and Josie said "oh yeah you are deep in the feels for him. We have all noticed that you come in happier than ever. Also it is appropriate you can just tell him that if he has any medical questions he can just shoot you a text."

After about 20 minutes of getting everything ready it was time for me to get Bradley's signature and then he was all free. While I went to his room one final time Maverick was going to stand at the front entrance of the emergency room. He parked his truck right outside the front doors, so it wouldn't be such a long walk for Bradley. Once I got to his room I knocked and heard a "come in." When I stepped inside I saw Bradley sitting on the side of his bed reaching over and tying his shoes. He had changed back into his normal  clothes which consisted of  a pair of light wash jeans, a white tank top, and a Hawaiian print shirt on top. I also noticed that he had his aviator sunglasses hooked on the neck hole of his tank top which exposed his tanned skin. I thought to myself "is it getting hot in here?"

Once I could finally muster up what I needed to say I began speaking to him. "Hey Bradley. I'm here to go over the last of your paperwork. I am going to read you the precautions and then I just need for you to sign it for me." He looked up from tying his shoes and said "alrighty. That sounds good to me." After reading through everything that I needed to and getting Bradley to sign it that was all that I needed from him. I pulled out from my folder his copy of what I just went over with him and I attached a pink sticky note to it. I followed what Josie and Michelle said to do which was to give him my phone number. I said "I printed off for you a copy of your discharge papers for you. I have also written down my phone number for you. I listed the work phone which will ring to the nurse's station and my personal phone number. If you have any questions at all about anything or you just want to talk feel free to reach out to me."

He was now standing up and making sure he didn't leave anything. He then looked at the papers for a second before saying "I know I keep repeating myself but thank you for everything. I know that if my parents were here they would have wanted me to have the best taking care of me as well. If it's alright with you I might just shoot you text later on tonight then." Next thing I know he had reached out to me and pulled me into him...


A/N: Over 1600 words wow. That's definitely a new record for my writing. I definitely had to leave this on a cliffhanger. I have a few questions that I would like to ask my readers. How are you all enjoying this story so far? Is there anything you would like to see in this? Should I add in pictures to the chapters? Thank you to everyone that is reading this book!! 💜

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