Birds should not look after children

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I'm mentioning ZappyZaps because I shared this plot on discord and they really liked it so here ya go! Its a bit late but still-

So you know those people who manage to come up with every single attribute about their OC except the name?

I'm one of them.

Listen none of the names that I thought really stuck to them ok?? I just chose the one's in this oneshot as a temporary solution. 😭

Also a little about my Jaya child OCs:

I think that in ninjago, whenever an elemental master has twins, the element sort of splits between them. For instance the time twins. The element that they share is the same but each can control only certain parts of it. Which is the same that I've done with my OCs. I hc that Jay and Nya have twin boys who share the element of lightning. And have a slightly younger daughter who has the element of water.

Originally I was gonna give the twins a Fred and George kind of dynamic but I feel like its been kind of overused at this point so I instead I decided to give them the "two idiots with a negative amount of braincells" dynamic.

Anyway enjoy the chapter!


"I'm not sure about this..." Jay muttered as him and Nya got ready for yet another mission. Ninjago had decided to end yet again and it was up to them to save it's citizens. Why everyone still lived in Ninjago city was beyond both of them; The city was actively wasting everyone's tax money on repairs, so much to the point that it was a better financial decision to just live somewhere else. Why else do you think Shintaro is so prosperous? All the smart people moved there and are now rich to the point that they can use money as toilet paper.

Anywho, our favourite ninja couple were getting ready to save the day!

... along with trying to find a suitable babysitter for their three children-

"There's no other option, Jay! Hes the best choice we got!" Nya retorted, putting on her gloves.

"But what if he's a bad influence on them!?"

"You're saying that as though the others haven't done that already."

"Yeah- but-"


"MOM! DAD! A BIRD MAN JUST BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE!" Came a voice from downstairs followed by someone shouting, "MY CRY FILLS THE NIGHT!"

Jay slapped his forehead. "See! This is what I was talking about!" He told his wife as the two rushed downstairs.

Upon arriving in the living room, the two were met with the sight of a man dressed like a dove; standing just in front of a broken window through which fluffy white doves were poking in from. Some already hopping around on the floor.

"MY WINDOW! FUGIDOVE, YOU BROKE MY FLIPPING WINDOW!" Nya cried, shooing away all the doves. "And it was my favourite one too! The front door exists you know!" She directed at the man.

"Windows are just small transparent doors." Said Fugidove. "Also stop shooing away the doves!"

A dangerous look flashed across Nya's face that Jay knew all too well. Quickly, he picked up his spouse by the waist and placed her on the other side of the room. Far away from Fugidove, Hoping that no fights would escalate. Their mother violently punching a furry was the last thing he wanted his children to see.

However, him stepping between them just caught the attention of the feather cladded man. (Something which he avoided like the plague)

Fugidove gasped. "Blue Jay! I haven't seen you in so long!" He said as he ran towards Jay and basically annihilated his ribs. "How has your crime life been recently?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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