25: Certainty

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I couldn't sleep knowing that Haechie saw us. I haven't even had a wink of sleep. I'm all nervous and stuffs about him thinking bad about us kissing.

"I know him…" Renjun said after that. "That was the one you carried last night right?"

I couldn't answer. I froze and lagged.

"I told him I was an ex of yours…" He hesitantly said and that made me crumble even more. I knew that was so rude for him to do so because it is my story to tell Haechie, not his.

But it was already too late. I really already messed up.

I walked out early, wait for them to go out of their room, only to be told by the clerk woman that they've gone home in the middle of the dawn.

And I could've ran after them. But shits happens and Koeun just had to call me and tell me that I'm already late and that they need me. This is when I realized that of all things I could do, I fucked up instead.

I went to work after a quick shower, and whilst I was at it, I thought about not going to work and knocking on Haechie's condo although I'm not even sure if they're really at home by now or if they're somewhere else.

Renjun told me he'll pass by later on his own. I offered him the keys only to remember that he has one and he still has it with him. I wasn't in the right mind to argue about it with him so I just let him be.

"How was the wedding?" Koeun curiously asked. "Will you have it next?"

I present a pale smile and answered "It was fine." for the first question but nothing for the second one. I don't want to get married for now.

"Oh, here's the files for his meeting next week. And also tomorrow, we'll have a team night out. You have to be there!"

"Tomorrow?" I tilt my head and shook it. "We'll see."

"Also… I need to talk to you about something."

I turn on my swivel chair and looked at her in confusion. "Is it something bad? Are you going to fire me?"

"No, silly!" She says. "The company offers a place near this building, for the managers and there's an available one for you. The rent's on us but as soon as you leave the company, the contract's over."

"I've heard of it!" I exclaim, suddenly thought about having a place of my own. Things would totally be different for me when that happens.

"Do you want to take it?"

"Yes." I said almost instantly. "I want to take the opportunity."

"Then pack up, boy." She laughs happily and threw me a bunch of silver things. Keys. "Call me if you need me to assist you. I'll text you the address."

"Wait… really?" I stood up, halted and found a strength to chuckle to myself in bewilderment. "This isn't some sort of a prank, ey?"

"I don't have time to waste on you, boy." Koeun rolled her eyes and locked the door to my office.

I smile and finally it sinked it. I'll have a place of my own even though it's not yet permanent. It's just fitting for me to have it now because that would mean I don't have to spend a few days with Renjun. I'll have freedom both from my past and from him.

Don't get me wrong, the condo means so much to me. I had memories with Haechie, there. I built a lot of memories with it but it's just rightful for me to leave, especially now that it's getting more complicated for me and for us—me and Haechie.

"Do you wanna drink?" Taeil knocks on my door but I refused. I have to go home as soon as possible and meet Haechie.

"Maybe tomorrow night, if I'll be free."

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