The Southern Air Temple

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(The episode begins with a beautiful sunrise that just peeks above some cliffs. The beams of the morning sun reflect on the water, bathing the whole scene in yellow light. The camera pans to the left, where the group has made camp on the shore. Appa is seen chewing on some grass while the smoke of the nearby campfire rises to the sky. Sokka is lying in a blue sleeping bag next to the fire. The camera zooms in on Aang, Azaki, and Katara atop Appa. Aang sits on the bison's head and is checking the knots that tie the reins to Appa's horns. Katara is sitting on the saddle, fiddling with their luggage. Azaki is in a spider position looking forward.)

Aang: [Excitedly.] Wait 'til you see it, Katara! The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!

Azaki: Oh, I can't wait!

Katara: [Cautiously.] Aang, I know you're excited, [She turns around to face him.] but it's been a hundred years since you've been home.

Aang: [Smiling broadly.] That's why I'm so excited!

Katara: [Cautiously.] It's just that ... a lot can change in all that time.

Aang: [Happily.] I know, but I need to see it for myself.

(Aang jumps off Appa, landing softly due to his airbending, while Azaki front-flips off and lands on the ground swiftly. A side-view shows him as he walks over to a snoring Sokka, who is lying in his sleeping bag. The shot changes to a view from next to Sokka's head, looking up at the approaching airbender.)

Azaki: [Cheerfully.] Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple, here we come! [Sokka awakens, making groggy noises.]

Sokka: [Grunting sleepily.] Uggh! Sleep now. Temple later.

(Sokka turns around, showing his back to Azaki and falls back asleep, snoring as soon as his eyes close. Close-up of Azaki, whose big eyes blink in surprise. He looks discontent with Sokka's attitude, but he quickly smiles mischievously. Azaki grabs a small, thin stick.)

Azaki: [Alarmed.] Sokka! Wake up! [Aang moves the stick up and down the sleeping bag, only touching Sokka with the tip of it.] There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!

Sokka: [He lazily opens one eye before yelling out in horror.] Ahh! [He quickly rises and hops around, still inside the sleeping bag.] Get it off! Get it off! [After two hops, Sokka slams flat to the ground.] Ahh!

(Katara giggles, as Sokka falls over. Close-up of Sokka's angry face.)

Aang: [Happily.] Great! You're awake! Let's go!

(The scene slowly fades to a harbor, where several Fire Nation ships are lined up next to each other. The camera pans to the left to reveal a smaller ship docked between all the others, identical mastodons. Its walkway is down and the small figures of two persons are seen leaving the ship. Cut to a closer shot of Zuko and Iroh, as they reach the bottom of the walkway.)

Zuko: Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing their trail.

Iroh: [Disinterested.] You mean the Avatar and The Arachnid?

Zuko: [Turns around sharply to face Iroh, as he slightly backs off.] Don't mention theis names on these docks! [Makes some wide arm movements.] Once word gets out that he's alive and that he's with that spider, every firebender will be out looking for them, and I don't want anyone getting in the way!

Zhao: [Iroh and Zuko turn, with shocked expressions on their face, toward the camera in the direction the sound came from.] Getting in the way of what, [Close-up of a man with big sideburns dressed in a Fire Nation uniform.] Prince Zuko?

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