The New Life : Part 1

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Anu couldn't believe her eyes of what she had read in the dairy. She locked herself in her room at Bhavesh's house and was crying continuously.

She couldn't believe what had happened in the past one year after her divorce and how she was made to believe in a fairy tale love story, which in reality was totally the other way round.

She couldn't join dots and was still trying to figure out her life and the series of incidents that have taken place during the past 26 years since her college life, that continued even after her marriage and divorce.

The guy, who loved her from his soul, who tried to turn the world upside down for her smile had a different face and Anu couldn't accept this fact.

In the other hand, all the events, the series and outcome were running like a cinema on Anuj's mind. He felt as if all these events were going live at this moment in his life and he was forced to relive those.

Some of those brought smile on his face, but most of the memories were hurtful and brought tears in his eyes.

Even though physically he moved to the US forever, under the pretext of expanding the Kapadia Business, he had his heart in India. He couldn't forget Any for a nano second and always missed her.

He knew she is married and always got her news from Devika. They knew that although she is married into a conservative family, she had settled with Vanraj and had accepted him as her love (Hindustani Nari).

Devika had always noticed a sad line in Anu's eyes and always wanted to see her happy right from her soul. But she couldn't do much as Anu had accepted this as her date and was showcasing as if she is happy in her life.

Anuj, being smart and intelligent had started looking after his father's business and with a short span transformed it into Kapadia Empire with his husiness spread across seven continents.

However, his heart was always in pain. He missed Anu in every second of his life, but had stopped hoping or dreaming about her.

Needless to say, after few years of moving to the US, he had started planning the ways to get her back in his life. He knew that Anu wasn't happy and was ill-treated.

Also Vanraj had lot of responsibilities and wasn't able to cope with the family requirements due to limited income.

First thing he did was to find out where Vanraj was working and how he was doing. Getting to know about the details, he started planning in a way where he could get Vanraj under obligations.

Anuj was investing in startups or sick businesses and due to his far sightedness and business sense, all his businesses were doing good in no time. When he bought the firm where Vanraj was working, he did it on an anonymity condition and soon the business took off. He had instructed Mr.Sharma not to reveal the name of the investor and just follow his instructions, or else he would withdraw his investments.

It was Mrs. And Mr.Sharma, Vanraj's boss , who had given him opportunities to climb the ladder and get promoted as Marketing Head. Vanraj thought it was his hardwork and dedication, little did he knew that those were obligations by AK to keep him busy at work.

While dating random girls in the US, AK came across Ritika. Anuj was young, in his late 20s , successful, a handsome multi millionaire man, rather the most eligible bachelor in the B world. The girls were eyeing on him and dreamt of dating and marrying him to fulfill all their desires.

At one such weekend party, he met Ritika. They got attracted towards each other and went along for a casual date. That night, they landed up at Ritika's house. It was ought to be another One Night Stand for Anuj,  however when he saw Ritika's pic with her boyfriend, they just ended up having a conversation about her life.

Anuj got to know that Ritika loved Vanraj, however to pursue her dreams and a lavish life, she broke up with him and came to US, where she met her boyfriend. Things were not cordial and they were on the verge of breakup.

Anuj came up with a plan. He asked Mrs and Mr Sharma to arrange to send Anupamaa to the US for a dance competition. It was their look out to see how Anu would land up at the party with Vanraj, and how they would arrange and convince Vanraj to send her to the US.

He did offer a huge investment in return and also was sure about the competition as he was one of the judges and the main sponsors.

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