Step 4: Invite Him to Sit With You at Lunchtime

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Step 4: Invite Him to Sit With You at Lunchtime

 I opened my packet of prawn cocktail crisps and inhaled the sweet aroma.

 It was Monday lunchtime, and May, Camille, Amber and were sitting around our everyday bench.  

 “Valentines’ Day is coming up soooon!” May poked Amber’s arm playfully. “Watcha gunna do for Robbie?”

 Amber grinned, “I’m sure you guys will come up with something!”

 “Darn right we will!” I exclaimed.

 “But in the mean time we should all talk to him and get to know him a bit more!” May suggested.

 “Yes we should!” Camille and I agreed, turning to check Amber’s response.

 She was in a totally different world, her head resting on her fist and her cheek stretching abnormally from the pressure.  Her eyes were resting on something beyond our lunch table.

 I flung a crisp at her nose to wake her up. I didn’t need to turn around to know that Robbie was walking by behind me.  As he passed us, I could see him chatting with two other guys from year twelve.

Without hesitation, Camille called out.

“Hiya Robbie!”

 Amber snapped out of her daze. “No!” she snapped in distress.  She shot up straight, making sure that all of her hair clips were neatly in place before putting on a dazzling smile.

 Robbie turned around to face our table.  Recognition waved over his face and he cast us a little salute.

 “Come over and sit with us!” Camille urged, casting Amber a grin.

 Out of the four of us, Camille was definitely the most outgoing; she had no problem when it came to befriending strangers, which could really help Amber in her case.

 Robbie looked at both his friends in turn for their consent.  When they shrugged he smiled and made his way over to our table.  Luckily our table had eight places so there was plenty of room.

 Amber cast May a jealous look as Robbie chose a seat next to her, but there was nothing any of us could have done about it without revealing Amber’s secret.

 One of the guys took a seat next to me, and another by Amber. 

 I had a feeling that Amber would refuse to speak, and that Camille would be the one dominating the conversation. I was right.

Camille looked slightly irritated by the fact that no one had chosen to sit next to her, but her attitude quickly changed as her bubbly personality took over.

 “So, you’re Robbie, right?  The new guy?” she gushed, winking subtly in Amber’s direction.

 Robbie grinned and ran his hands through his hair.  “Um, yea…I am.  How exactly do you know my name?”

 Camille froze.  She hadn’t thought this through.  I decided to save the day.

 “Camille’s brother Sam is in your year; you came over to their house once.  She pointed you out to us when we went bowling last Saturday” I explained in a rush.

 “Oh, yea I remember that.” Robbie’s eyes widened as he thought back to the time.  He turned to look at Camille. “Of course!  How could I have forgotten you?”

 She giggled.

 “I’m Camille”, she stated, “and this is May, Hazel and Amber”.  She strained the last name.  May and I gave little waves, but Amber just smiled as brightly as possible when Robbie nodded his head her way.

 “Nice to meet you all”, he said back.  “These are my friends: Neil”, he gestured to the guy sitting beside me, “and Lee”.

 The two guys looked relieved to finally be introduced.

  Neil slit his eyes slightly as he looked over at Camille, as if trying to answer a question in his head.

 “I know you from somewhere, don’t I?” he finally said, pointing at her.

 Camille blushed.

 “Yeah, I think you do”, she replied, “didn’t you go to Williamshill Primary School?”

 “That’s it!” Neil snapped his fingers.  “You had Miss. Richards as a teacher!  Darn was she scary!” and just like that, Camille and Neil were off in nostalgic conversation.

 The other five of us listened in for a bit, but after a while Robbie decided to start a new conversation with the rest of us.

 “It’s weird when I hear people talking about their past together, it makes me feel so new!” he laughed at his own statement.

 “I bet it does! How was it in America?” May asked him.  I was surprised that she’d spoken up, May was extremely shy around people she didn’t know, especially when it came to guys.

 Robbie dove into a speech about his old school.  He seemed really happy just telling us everything about his life, and before we knew it, we were all having a debate about which game the word ‘football’ was actually referring to.

 Well, everyone that was except for Camille and Neil, who were absolutely engrossed in their own sweet little conversation.  I smiled at the sight of them.


Hiya there!  This is the second time that this chapter has been changed but i really like this one so it won't happen again :)) I am proud to announce that my story is back on track :P

I thought that there should be a bit more contact with Robbie, i hope you liked it!

A comment/vote/fan would always make my day :P

Thanks for reading!

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