The girl Greg had mentioned back at Arianna's apartment.

I really hope Arianna didn't hear it.

"Don't tell me you forgot her." Greg said.

"I don't know. I've only remembered little things but I don't even know what she looks like." I said.

"Man, that is so bad. That is so, so bad." He started to shake his head.

"Why is that so bad?" I asked.

"Amy, she's like your one and only, man. You were like her guardian angel." He said.

"I know that sounds a little cheesy, but you two have been together for 3 years. 3 years! You've broken up once but that was a long time ago, and you realized what a mistake it was and you begged her for a second chance." He continued.

I sighed. I felt horrible.

"Just 4 months ago you proposed to her. And of course, she said yes." He said.

I bit my bottom lip. My story was bigger than I thought it was.

This was too crazy.

I was already getting married.

Now that I couldn't even remember the girl, or anything at all about her, it gave me a headache.

I just wanted to go back to my life with Arianna.

It was so simple and easy.

So sweet.

And I didn't have to worry about people I didn't remember.

Greg decided to stop talking, realizing how his words weren't helping me anymore.

I pulled my head up as we pulled into a closed road.

It led to a tall, iron gate and on the gate, the word "Horan" was engraved in gold letters.

"What's horan?" I asked Greg.

He started to laugh, stopping the car in-front of the gate.

"That's our last name." He finally said.

"You mean, this gate is ours?" I gasped.

"Just wait, man." He chuckled.

Wait? Wait for what?

Greg pushed some buttons on a little machine that was nailed into the brick wall beside the gate, making the gate slide open in half.

He drove through, and as we approached inside, my eyes widened.

"Holy shit!" I shouted, jumping up from my seat and looking out the window.

I couldn't believe what my eyes saw.

As we approached the mansion, I couldn't help but hold my breath as I took in its magnificence.

The gates protecting the home were made of shiny black stone and the mansion made of polished white rock.

Marble statues stood tall and mighty by the entrance and I couldn't seem to take my eyes from the brilliant details on them.

I forced myself to look away, but the image didn't leave my mind.

The home was certainly beautiful.

"I can't believe you still don't remember, Niall." Greg snorted.

"What? Why are we here?" I asked.

"You live here." He rolled his eyes.

"WHAT?" I screamed.

Remember + Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now