Chapter 17 : The Hang-Out

Start from the beginning

"I'll put my homework up for now, so we can spend time together," he smiles again and closes his binder, putting it back into his bag. "Here, sit," he says and clears his bed for us to sit down.

"What do you want to do, since you're here?" He asks me, still holding my hand from when we walked in.

"Just sit here with you. We can... watch a movie," I suggest.

"Sure, let me get the remote and we'll find something," he says. We lean against the headboard of his bed and look through the movies we can watch. Finally, Ni-ki decides on a scary movie.

"Ni-ki, can we watch something else? I don't like scary movies," I tell him and he looks to me.

"It'll be okay, Hana. I'm here," he says and smiles.

"But... can we watch it another day, I just feel like watching something happy," I say and he agrees and switches to a different movie.

As we're watching it, Ni-ki's mom knocks on the door and opens it, holding a tray of snacks.

"I figured you guys may be hungry before dinnertime. I got you some chopped up vegetables and fruits," she says and sets it at the end of the bed.

"Thank you, Mom," Ni-ki says.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Nishimura," I also say.

"You're welcome. Are you planning on staying for dinner too, Hana?" She asks me with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Sorry, but I have to eat dinner at home tonight. I have some things to do before school tomorrow and my mom wants me home earlier tonight," I say politely.

"That's all right then. Thank you for coming over for a little while. You can enjoy the snacks before you go home," she says and leaves again.

"What time do you have to be home?" Ni-ki asks.

I look at my phone to see the time and realize I have 45 minutes left.

"I probably have to leave in about 30 minutes," I tell him and he nods and continues the movie. I feel myself drift off a few times, but I wake up when my head touches his shoulder. I hope it wasn't too obvious.

30 minutes later, we turn the movie off and leave Ni-ki's room.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ni-ki," I say and open the front door. I hear shuffling behind me and I see Ni-ki putting his shoes on.

"What are you doing?" I ask Ni-ki.

"I'm walking you home like usual. I don't like thinking about you walking home alone," he says.

"Ni-ki, I walked home alone for years before you started walking me home. I'll be okay," I reassure him.

"Still, I want to walk you home," he holds my hands and gets closer to me. His chest pushes up against my body and I give in.

"Ok," I say and he smiles victoriously.

"Mom, I'm walking Hana home! I'll be back in about 15 minutes!" He yells and Mrs. Nishimura responds immediately.

"Okay, be safe!" She says and we leave.

It goes the same way as earlier, holding hands as we walk and we kiss when we reach my porch.

"Bye Ni-ki," I let go of his hand and reach for the door handle.

"Wait, don't go yet," he says and wraps his arms around my body. His face digs into my neck and I feel very safe in his arms.

I pull away again and he kisses me unexpectedly a second time.

"I..." I say with red cheeks.

"Thank you for liking me, Hana," he says and smiles. "Bye," he says and blushes. He turns around and leaves and I watch him walk away and wait for myself to stop blushing.

Once I feel somewhat normal again, I walk in my house and expect to see Jay sitting by the window, but he's not there. I smell the food my mom's cooking for dinner and I get excited to eat.

"Mom, I'm back!" I yell, walking into the kitchen. I see her leaning on the counter and talking to someone on the phone.

I can't make put what she's saying because she's whispering. When I walk up to her, she hears me and hangs up the phone.

"Hey, Hana. How was your afternoon?" She asks me, more smiley than usual.

"It was... good. Who were you talking to on the phone a minute ago?" I ask her.

"Nobody, just one of my friends. It's not a big deal. Just go get ready for dinner," she says and gives me a side hug.

It is kinda weird that she was talking to someone that quietly, but I probably shouldn't meddle in her business. So I just listen to her and go upstairs and get ready for dinner.

(A/N : Sorry for taking so long to update but I hope you enjoy this chapter and all the upcoming ones! As always, have a nice day and take care of yourself! Bye! <3 )

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