"THAT'S what you're worrying about? i'm standing here, calling you an asshole, and you want to know why i got mad?" sooyoung's arm flung inches from the tv, but went unnoticed by both of the girls.

"it seems important to why you're angry now."

something in sooyoung flipped.

"i don't owe you an explanation, i don't owe you SHIT, you know what i told you at that party? i said you're SELFISH heejin. you're so conceited, you think everything you say is right and that you're better than everyone else."

she took a step closer to heejin and heejin became fearful of the fire in her eyes.

heejin placed her palms on sooyoung's shoulders and shoved, "get AWAY from me!"

sooyoung's feet struggled to catch her as she stumbled back, and she ended up on the ground.

"what the fuck" sooyoung scoffed and slowly rose to her feet.

something flew to the left of sooyoung. heejin smirked as she caught the fear on sooyoung's face.

"you're fucking trying to hurt me now? what the fuck is wrong with you?"

heejin suddenly realized what she had done.

i'm a horrible person
i just wanted to scare her

but it worked. sooyoung picked up a book from the table and pulled back her arm as if to throw it at heejin's head, causing her to cower.

a laugh came from sooyoung, "you're a fucking baby." she dropped the book on the ground and rushed out of the room. her footsteps could be heard as she treaded down the hall.

leave, get away, it'll be easier to forget if you abandon

her body moved before she thought about it too much, and soon enough she was away from all the noises of other people. the cold emptiness of the cafeteria reminded her of her home, which caused another lurch of sobs.

when wiping her eyes, heejin's eyes caught on another head in the room.

was she here the whole time?

"of course you finally stop paying attention to me when i'm a mess."

she didn't expect anything from hyunjin. she needed something to lash out. but instead, hyunjin apologized.

"it felt like you didn't want to talk..."

"did it seem like i wanted to talk before? did i ever seem interested in you?" heejin pushed her palms into her face, "yet you paid attention to me then."

hyunjin put down the food she was holding, "it's not like i wanted to. it's almost like it's out of my control. i'm sorry. i'll leave you alone in the future."

i'm a horrible person

this whole exchange heejin never noticed hyunjin's matching red nose and puffy eyes, not until she reciprocated the attention hyunjin was giving to her.

"no, god, i'm sorry. i'm in a horrible state of mind right now." heejin turned her body to face hyunjin. "what about you? what are you all snotty-nosed for?"

a split second of fear washed over hyunjin's face as she swiped at her nose, before realizing there was nothing there.

hyunjin sighed, "i just ruined another friendship."

a puff of air left heejin's nose. "sounds familiar."

it didn't take long before the both of them opened up about the past day they both had. hyunjin was kind, empathetic, and seemed to truly listen to heejin. it gave her the kind of feeling that churns your insides and warms you to all of your extremities.

"truce?" hyunjin placed her hand in air between them.

heejin searched deep in hyunjin's mahogany eyes for a bad intention she was expecting, but all she noticed was the smirk tugging on hyunjin's pretty lips.

she felt the same smirk lay on her face as heejin grabbed hyunjin's hand. "truce."

a new friend

✰ ☾ ✰

over the past couple days hyeju and chaewon have been spending more time together. it was by default, because hyeju had no friends anymore and chaewon was always interested in hyeju.

but hyeju had stopped complaining.

right now the two of them were lying on the ground in the star room. it had become their frequent place, where the repetition of the stars gave hyeju the same comfort of being squeezed in a closet. chaewon couldn't care less about where they were spending their time.

"do you miss your parents?"

hyeju looked at chaewon, who's blonde hair was taking up an unreasonable amount of space around her head. hyeju had been unsuccessful in getting chaewon to open up, but tonight felt different.

chaewon sighed. "i only have one parent to miss."

hyeju kept quiet, hoping chaewon would continue without being prompted.

chaewon took a breath and continued. she explained the absence of her mother. her mother was the person she thanked for good finances chaewon and her father were in. chaewon loved her mother, but she got emotional when explaining how she was constantly working. when she passed, chaewon barely felt her absence.

"i'm sorry chaewon," hyeju sighed and shifted her weight so she could see the sky, along with more of chaewon's blonde hair.

she watched the way the starlight made chaewon's hair glow. she watched the curves of her fingers as she held a strand in the air, and she watched chaewon's mouth fall slightly open as she took a light breath.

"i want away from it all. or, i wanted. because that's why i agreed to this."

her eyes fluttered shut and she continued, "i don't hate my dad. i never can and i never want to, but i feel i have to take care of him. i want a life without being depended on."

chaewon turned on her side the way hyeju had, and now their noses were a breath away.

hyeju quickly sat up with an idea.

"chaewon," she turned to face her friend on the ground and smirked, "have you ever wanted to dye your hair?"

✰ ☾ ✰

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