imagine four ( part one)

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"NOOO" you hear the boys yell from in your basement. You let out a sigh before heading towards the door to the basement. You open it and all eyes are on you. " Dustin keep it down in there please" you plead. " Sorry y/n!!" The boy now becomes very aware that he has pissed you off. " It's alright, do you guys want some drinks?" You ask innocently.  " That would be great y/n!" Dustin says.
" Well, we have a selection of dr.pepper, coke, lift, root beer, and normal beer." You say directing the last part at the dungeon master. " We'll have 5 cokes." Dustin says after a bit. " And I'll have a beer." Eddie says looking at you contently. You become aware that your in short-shorts  
and small fitted top.  " Alrighty 5 cokes and a beer comin' up" you say heading back upstairs. You grab the drinks and a couple of extra beers for your self.

You walk back downstairs and hand the boys there drinks. Before you give Eddie his beer you use the top of it to open your own beer. " Thank you darling" He says and you blush." Eww, gross that's my sister dude." Dustin scrunched up his face. You take a deep swig of your beer and sit down on a bean bag. " Soo who's winning?" You ask looking at all the boys. " Eddie" Dustin sighs. " Like always" you smile at dustin. He doesn't, he just slumps back in his seat and sighs again. You watch the game for the next couple of hours yelling cheering. No one knew but you secretly loved watching and especially loved playing.

Once the game finished you made sure everyone had rides. They all left with their family or friends. But Eddie stayed to pack up, so naturally you helped him. " Quite impressive game" you smile at Eddie who was already smiling  at you. " You enjoyed it then" he asks. " Well can you keep a secret" you giggle a bit. " You can count on me sweet heart, I wont tell a soul." He said leaning back on his heels. " Okay well, I'm kind of a secret nerd. Like a big one." You wait for his response. " Good for you y/n I'm glad you trust me with that." He smiled a genuine smile.
" Okay that's everything, thanks y/n" he smiles. " Your very welcome Eddie, anytime" you smirk at him.

You walk him over to his car. His van was dimly lit but something seemed off with his tires. You walk closer to get a better look. You gasp. " Eddie, your tires are slashed" you say with a blank look on your face. He jogs over to see the same sight as you.  " Who would have done that" you say concerned. " Anyone, everyone" he sighs. " Eddie, do you wanna stay at mine tonight. " Dustin was out with his friends and your mum had late night work. ( Dustin's mum probably doesn't go to work late but whatever)
" Are you sure y/n?" He checks. " I'm sure, we'll get your tires fixed tomorrow" you reassure him. " Oh thank you y/n" he brings you into a tight hug. You giggle a bit before taking his hand and leading him inside. " It's a lot warmer in here" he laughs. " So we're would I sleep exactly?" He smirks at you. " Well" you out your hand to your chin.
excitedly. He laughs and nods.

You run off to get the stuff for later. You dump a pile of blankets and all sorts of fluffy stuff down on your bed.  You run out back to Eddie. " Right we are having a movie night." You tell him. " That'll be nice" he says twirling his hair. " No dinner, just movie food and drinks." You smile widely at the boy. " Awesome" he says. " I don't get how people think your satanic and shit, your such a sweet boy." You say as you start to prepare some food. " Don't you know? I listen to metal, apparently it's the Devil's music" you just blink at how people think of him.  " Well I'll let you in another secret." You pause for dramatic effect.
" Two secrets in one day, in honoured miss y/l/n" he says bowing. You giggle a bit before saying " I listen to metal as well, infact it's my favourite genre of music. And you don't see everyone at Hawkin's bitching about me being a satanist" you say pouring some skittles into a bowl. " You listen to metal?" He asks intently. " Sure do" you smile at him. " I don't believe you" he raises an eyebrow at you. " Hmmm"
You think before telling him to turn on the boom box.

You just smile and continue pouring all sorts of foods into
all sorts of dishes. He turns it on and guess what started playing. Custer by slip knot. " Holy shit!!" He yelled over the music. He switched off and just gawked at you. " Told you so" you giggle at him as you bring bowls of food over to the coffee table by the couch. " Cool" he says sitting down next you. " So what are we watching doll" you blush at his nickname. " Well how about, the labyrinth" you say. ( I know I have unhealthy obsession with the movie)  he stares at you for a bit. " Thats my favourite movie" he exclaims. " OMG SAME!" you shout excited that someone else likes the movie. " Well I'm gonna get some more drinks, what do you want" you say already knowing his answer. " That beer has me craving for more" he licks his bottom lip as sees you bend down to grab the beers. They clink as you grab about six beers, three in each hand.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now