Chapter 9: She's Gonna Blow

Start from the beginning

Rowena stepped in front of him. "We can't go! I had questions to ask you about Casey Sloane's gambling bets."

Little Mikey's eyes narrowed. "Are you undercover heat?"

"Heat?" Rowena looked at Abby in confusion.

"He means the police," Matt supplied.

"No, way! I'm not a cop." Rowena waved her hands in front of her. "Casey sent me here to try and set up bets for her."

"You're lying and I hate liars," Little Mikey spat.

A flare of anger sprang forth in Rowena. "Oh yeah? You hate liars? Well, I hate men who have filthy shirts and point guns at us. You should be more careful, Little Mikey. You're not the only one with shady connections in this town."

"You sure are feisty. What's your name," Little Mikey asked, grinning.

Cross growled, "Don't tell him—"

"Rowena Flores," she snapped. "What's it to you?"

"Flores? You related to Lorena Flores, the culandera?" Little Mikey asked, leaning forward, his eyes squinted.


"You're trying to pawn a crystal ball so I'm going to assume you've got the magic like your cousin."

"Magic?" Abby asked. "I thought you said you weren't a witch."

"I'm not!" Rowena protested.

Little Mikey's eyes widened. "You're the dud?"

"Did he say stud?" Matt asked.

"She's the only one in the family who didn't get the gift. Everyone who knows the Flores family knows this."

Rowena felt her cheeks reddening with anger. If she could knock one of the guns from his hands, maybe she could kill Little Mikey. The cops would love that. She'd be a hero and maybe they'd let her off easy the next time she lost her temper and ended up behind bars again.

A ding rang behind them letting them know a customer had entered the pawn shop.

"Give me all your money or meet your maker!" A man wearing a ski mask and holding a gun rushed forward. He skidded to a halt when he saw Little Mikey with two guns and the three men who didn't look frightened by his weapon. He cleared his throat. "I can see you're all busy right now. I'll just be on my way."

"You do that," Little Mikey grunted.

Everyone stopped to watch the would-be thief leave the building.

"Did you just almost get robbed?" Rowena asked, still not quite believing what happened.

Little Mikey shrugged. "Yeah, but it's nothing to worry about. He's just trying to get experience."

"I don't even know what to say to that," Rowena said.

"You don't have to say anything. He's Sal's nephew. Let's get back to why you're here, Rowena Flores. You said you want to know about Casey Sloane and her bets? I also overheard you talking about murder investigations and that Casey is dead."

"You heard all that?" Rowena squeaked.

"You weren't exactly quiet about it. Needless to say, I'm no rat. The bets Casey made, if she made any, are and always will be a secret."

Rowena could feel her temper flaring again. "Little Mikey, I don't think you understand. I need to know about those bets so I can figure out who killed Casey. Otherwise, I'm next! Her family thinks I killed her but I'm innocent."

Little Mikey sighed and shook his head. "It hurts me to hear someone from the Flores family could get hurt. I still won't help you."

"You will help us," Cross growled, taking a menacing step forward. Matt and Liam were close behind.

Little Mikey lifted his guns. "Take another step and I'll shoot."

"You'll shoot?" Rowena hissed. "Really? We came to you for help."

"I don't know you or owe you anything."

"No, but you owe this town and I'm part of it. All your illegal gambling and criminal activity make this place a little less safe. That's on you, Little Mikey. Your business brings in bad people. That's not okay. I came here in good faith to try and talk to you but instead of helping me, you're threatening me with guns? You said you know my family but do you really know my family?"

"What do you mean by that?" Little Mikey asked.

"Oh no. She's going to curse him," Liam whispered. "The last time this happened, Reed's house burned down and Casey died."

"What was that about a house burning down?" Little Mikey asked Liam.

Rowena pushed her shoulders back and stood tall. "I curse you, Little Mikey. I hope your hair falls out. You lose all your bets and most of all, I curse you to always get diarrhea when you eat pancakes!"

A collective gasp came from the wolf shifters.

"I'll only lift the curse if you tell me about Casey's bets." Rowena smirked, crossing her arms.

Little Mikey doubled over, still holding his guns. He was grimacing and a howl of pain came from him.

The door to the right burst open, slamming against the wall. A tall redhead stepped forward. She was wearing leopard print leggings and a teel tank top. "What in the hell is going on out here? Why is Sal on the floor? Mikey, stop crouching over like that. I swear you're the biggest baby I know."

Rowena jerked back in surprise. "Gina? What are you doing here?"

"Gina, your co-worker?" Abby asked.

"The one who made you read paranormal romance stories?" Cross asked.

"Baby, they cursed me!" Little Mikey sobbed, placing his head on Gina's shoulder.

Rowena grinned and leaned against the counter, her chin in her hands. "So, your nickname really Tipsy?"

A/N: I hope Rowena finds out why Gina's nickname was called Tipsy

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A/N: I hope Rowena finds out why Gina's nickname was called Tipsy. Do you think Little Mikey is going to help Rowena find out about Casey's gambling bets? 

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