Meeting Bunny

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I wake up cuddled into Dad's side, I know it's odd, but he doesn't want me to sleep elsewhere in case I need him, or I get hurt in the middle of the night. I get out of bed without waking him and try to find the bathroom "Jack I said to wake me if you needed something" I jump almost falling over if not for him catching me "EASY" he pulls me to his side, "I got you Jack" I stand getting my baring's "now, where you going?" "bathroom" "ok" he takes my hand and leads me to the door marked in bold letter that I can run my hand over and know what it says, 'BATHROOM' "thanks dad" "of course" I go in and close the door behind me and do my business then exit running into a solid but soft thing "dad?" "Yes, it's me" I take his hand "can we go eat?" "of course, want your favorite?" "No let's do waffles today" "very well" he leads me to the kitchen and helps me sit without issue.

Once we finish eating, I ask him something I've been thinking about for some time now, "Hey dad?" "Yes Jack" "I was wondering could I go outside for a bit, and I know I'm blind, but the wind can help me, and I'll be careful I swear!" "Well, I don't like you going out like this....but as long as your back before sunset I guess you can." "YES, THANK YOU DAD" "BUT" "but?" "The first sign of trouble I want you home, Got It!" "Yes sir" "ok, I'll lead you out"


I'm walking through New York according to Dad and Wind the first thing I notice is it very loud, second the sound of children laughing and screaming, third is its warm but not hot so its sometime in Spring "now remember to have wind take where you want to go and back before sunset, understand!" "Yes dad" I hug him one last time and allow the wind to take me into her arms and take me to an area not far away, once I land, I find a tree and make a string attaching it to the tree and around my staff. "Ok let's figure out where we are" I walk around trying to feel everything, so far all I feel is trees and grass, but I hear the sound of children playing and laughing, the wind blowing and water moving. *SNAP* I jump at the sound "WHO'S THERE!" I can hear something breathing nearby "I KNOW YOUR THERE" I point my staff in the direction of the breathing.

I'm suddenly on the ground my staff thrown from me and something against my throat, then a deep Australian voice sounds above me "who are ya?!?!" I struggle to get away from him panicking "I ask'd ya a question mate!" "JACK MY NAME IS JACK"  "what are ya doin' here Jack!" I'm panting and I think I'm crying "exploring, please get off!!" I feel the thing on my neck pulling away, but he stays on top of me "how are ya not freakin' 'bout the kids runnin' through ya mate?" "What?" "The kids passin' right through ya...hold it" I can feel him looking at me "CRIKY YA'R BLIND" I cover my ears "blind not deaf!" "Sorry mate, here hold on" I feel him get off me and something furring take my hand and pull me up from the ground, "are you...covered in fur?" "Yeah mate, I'm a bunny, the Easter Bunny" I reach out and find something furry but solid "that's my chest mate" I pull back my hand quickly "sorry" I feel his hand...err paw take my hand "it's alright mate, care to walk with me?" I think for a bit "sure just hold my hand the whole time?" "No worries, mate" we start walking around and I listen to him tell stories about his people and where he came from, "so hang on your from another planet?!" "yup" we both start laughing

after walking for some time, we finally sit near some trees "hey the string on ya'r staff, why have it?" "oh, it's so I can find my way back" "I see" I yawn leaning into him without meaning to "Bunny" "yeah?" "What time is it?" "Nearing sunset" "sunsets feel nice on my skin....wait SUNSET" "yes" "OH CRAP I NEED TO GET HOME" I jump up and start following my string I can hear Bunny on my 'tail' "JACK WAIT, STOP" suddenly I hit something and fall face first into water "BUNNY!!!! HELP!!!!" I think I forgot to mention I can't swim, "I GOT YA MATE" I hear a splash and something grabbing me and putting me on dry land, I feel his fur and cling to him crying "Shh it's ok mate I got ya" I feel him petting my hair, "I got ya Jack"

Once I finally settle down, he lets me up and walks with me to the end of my string "where to from here mate?" "don't worry my dad will be here soon to pick me up, you can head home too" "Ya sure? cause I can wait here with ya" "yeah I'll be fine, thanks Bunny" "no worries, do you maybe want to meet up again later this week?" "Yeah, that would be nice" I listen as he leaves so I take a seat next to the tree and wait for Pitch to arrive.

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