Chapter 3

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The following days had the same pattern, Marcus would wake up at 7 each morning and check on Hestia next to him. He would slowly get out of bed and exercise, doing his push ups and so on before waking Hestia up at 9:30. Then breakfast would be made for everyone, before she got on with her chores. All the neighbors had by then noticed the rather large and brooding male and the woman had taken the time to pop on over to the Dursley's in hopes of seeing him up close. Today was no exception, Hestia has finished making lunch while Marcus sat with Petunia and Dudley in an uncomfortable silence. The knock on the door had Mrs Dursley scuttling over to it like an insect and her face turned an ashy gray as she opened it, Mrs Polkiss was the gossip of the street, and for her to also turn up here was because she was trying to find a story where there isn't. "Hello there Petunia dear." Mrs Polkiss said with a sickly sweet voice, "I came over to see you and your family, I heard you have a visitor in your home." Petunia gave a tight lipped smile as she led the woman to the lounge, where Hestia had already laid out tea and snacks. Marcus was standing next to her, his stance protective as he took in the scene. "Why hello there young lady, I haven't seen you since last spring." Mrs Polkiss said with a fake smile as Hestia sent her a short nod, her gaze went to Marcus and she was slightly taken aback. He was tall, and musclebound, a hard stare and sharp jaw, he was handsome, "And you must be young Marcus, Mrs Jude said you were rather handsome." With that she sat down with Mrs Dursley and the two began drinking their tea.

It was towards the end of the visit that Mrs Polkiss said something she should not have, "well then I'll be off now, Marcus dear, Mrs Heming at the other end of Privet Drive have a daughter your age, she would be-" "I'm sorry mam but I'm perfectly happy dating Hestia." To prove his point he bent down towards her and kissed her cheek gently, a small blush elicited on the girls face. Mrs Dursley and Mrs Polkiss were red in the face, one because she had never seen the two engage with each other romantically and the other because she had never thought the boy would blatantly disregard what she had said. "I am happy with her, and if I hear any rumor about my reasoning for staying here, I shall have much to say to you Mrs Polkiss." Marcus finished as he directed Hestia away from the situation.

In the wizarding world, Voldemort sat with his trusted elite, petting Nagini's head leisurely he smiled slightly at the news brought to him by Mr Flint. "So your son, has entered into this relationship with Miss...Potter...interesting so very interesting. And you are sure he has no plan in handing her over to us should we ask?" Voldemort hissed out, Mr Flint cleared his throat as he shook his head, "I don't know whats going on with him if I'm to be honest my Lord, he has not returned home and none of his friends or younger ones know where he is. I only assume he is with her." An amused smile played on the Dark Lords face, oh this news was wondrous, wondrous indeed. Only thing now, was to decide how to enact the plan he had brewing in his head.

Marcus and Hestia however were going on with their lives peacefully, unaware of all that was happening now in the wizarding world. That is till a letter from Errol flew in through the window, Hestia had just finished sweep the dining area when the direct hit of something on the window pane made her let out a slight shriek of shock. Marcus had been getting out of the shower at that moment when he heard her, grabbing his towel to wrap around himself, he took his wand and raced down the stairs, "Hestia are you okay? I heard you scream?" Hestia had just brought in Errol when she looked up at Marcus. Her face burst into a bright red color as she watched him, his hair was wet and sticking to his face from the water,and the water droplets seemed to sparkle on him as if they were diamonds. "Yes everything's okay. Just the Weasley's bird Errol." She held up the old Owl to him as she took the letter off his leg, handing him some owl treats she held the letter up and began to read, Marcus whom felt quite left out walked over to her and looked down at the writing.

Dear baby Prongs/Padfoot/Moony

How have you been darling? We haven't heard from you since summer started a week ago. Hope those muggles aren't hurting you because I swear to Merlin I will kill them. Azkaban be damned. Anyway, a little birdie told us that you have an admirer, a certain Slytherin by the name of Marcus Flint. I taught him when I was at Hogwarts, bright boy, quite a silent lad, bu-

BABY PADFOOT! A SLYTHERIN? WHY A SLYTHERIN? IS THERE NO NICE GRYFFINDOR BOYS? OR BETTER YET GIRLS? YOU KNOW WE WOULD NEVER JUDGE YOU! okay Remus said not to make it sound like I'm upset. And that I should not be biased. Anyway baby padfoot, my brother was in Slytherin and my cousin Andromeda, and they are pretty nice people, hopefully this Flint is a good kid, otherwise I'd have to deal with him.

P.S we asked Dumbledore and he said its perfectly okay if you and your friend come stay at the Weasleys in the third and fourth week of summer you can leave for school from there.


Moony and Padfoot.

Hestia smiled happily and looked up at Marcus whom had a visibly confused face, "so what does this mean?" He asked Hestia as she patted his chest. "You get to meet my godfathers and surrogate family."

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