Chapter 2: Clingy

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Onion: "A-apple?...are you okay, mate?"

Apple gasps for air and looks up at Onion


Onion: "Uh...I-I um... A-are you okay?"

Apple: "Oh Onion! I feel great!"

Apple gives Onion a quick kiss on the cheek and grabs his hand, pulling him to their shack. Onion's face is bright red but he is still very confused.

Onion: "Well, Apple...I g-guess I'm gonna head to bed now..."

Onion crawls into bed and closes his eyes

Onion: *thinking* Okay...why is Apple...I didn't think he...he likes me too?! I...what's happening...

Onion feels a slight movement on his bed, so he looks over to see Apple snuggling up to him.

Onion: "A-apple...what are you doing?"

Apple: " hmm...I was cold...."

Onion: "O-oh......"

Apple immediately falls asleep next to Onion.

Onion: *thinking* ...Why did's not cold...

The next morning Onion woke up with Apple still sound asleep next to him.

Onion: "Apple? Wake up, mate."

Apple: "zzz...mhmm...zzzzz"

Onion crawls out of bed and goes to his laptop. He starts to type something but realizes that Apple is right next to him.

Apple: "Good morning my sweet!"

Onion: " uh g-good morning mate!" *thinking* seriously though...why is he so... clingy all of a sudden...I mean...not that I mind him being near me all the time... wait... he must like me back he must!

Onion jumps up from his seat.

Onion: "Hey Apple, want to go to pizza's diner for breakfast?

Apple: "Yeah, man...lets go!"

Apple and Onion walk down to pizza's diner.

French Fry: "Hey Apple! Hey Onion!"

Onion: "Oh hi French Fry!"

Onion looks at Hotdog who is basically glued to French Fry.

Onion: "Are you know..."

French Fry: *blushes* "I could ask you the same thing- he's um...-hey Onion...can I talk to you for a minute?"

Onion: "yeah of course- Apple why don't you sit here and have a little chat with our good friend Hotdog!"

Apple: "Please tell me you won't be long, sweetheart!"

Onion: *blushes* "Oh um...W-we won't..."

Onion and French Fry sit in the corner.

French Fry: "So, let's make this quick. What's going on with you and Apple?"


French Fry: "Woah, Onion... I meant did Apple get know...lovestuck?"

Onion: *blushes* "Oh... wait... lovestuck?"

French Fry: "Yeah, he's acting like Hotdog, and well, Hotdog got lovestuck...and now he barely ever leaves my side..."

Onion: "You mean the lightning...with the pink sky?"

French Fry: "Oh so he did get lovestuck..."

Onion: "Y-yeah...I was gonna to do some research but he wouldn't leave me alone so..."

Apple runs over to Onion, crying.

Onion: "APPLE?! What's wrong!?"


Onion looks at French Fry then looks back at Apple.

Onion: "I was coming right back mate!"

Now Hotdog runs over to French Fry.


French Fry blushes and looks back at Onion.

French Fry: "Why don't we all go get something to eat?"

Apple: "Okay! As long as I can sit next to Onion though."

Onion blushes as they all go to sit at Apple and Onions favorite booth. They order their usuals and they fall into an awkward silence.

French Fry: "Oh Onion! Can you come over to my place for a little bit so we can ... do some research?"

French Fry motions to Hotdog who is Clinging to her arm.

Onion: "Sure."

Apple: "What are we researching?"

Onion: "Um...COOKING?"

He looks at French Fry nervously.

Pizza: "Here are your orders! Is there anything else I could get you guys?"

Onion: "I think we're good...Thanks Pizza!"

Pizza: "Anytime guys! Enjoy!"

They finish their meals and head over to French Frys house.

Apple x Onion Lovestruck FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora