Chapter 16

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The next few days were a blur. What had been a list of 20 universes was rapidly becomes several, then few, then close to none. Stephen watched as America's joyous and hopeful face slowly changed into a fearful and hopeless one. 

They were running out of universes to check.

Stephen was divided over the issue.

One part of him: sad for America. Feeling her pain. He didn't want to see her in a state like this. He wanted her to be happy, no matter what it meant.

The other part of him: secretly relieved. If America didn't find her moms, she'd stay with Stephen and Wong. They'd be together. Stephen would have more figure out whatever America was to him. He still hadn't figured out. He had no time to.

They flew through universes. Some, completely destroyed. Some, complete utopias like 838. In every universe, a changing cast of characters. One with a group calling themselves the X-Men. Another with a group called the Fantastic 4. Stephen thought he recognized Professor Xavier and Reed Richards among the groups, but he shook it off. 

The weirdest universe, however, was one where no superheroes existed in real life, and only in movies. This was the universe they currently were in. 

"No Sanctum?" Wong questioned. "We prepared for no Stephen and no me, but not no Sanctum. How is this world protected?"

"Beats me," Stephen said. He saw a movie poster for a new Black Panther movie, implying that he was a movie character in this universe. He wondered where the actor who portrayed him was. He made a mental note of the universe's number--1218.

As they prepared to exit the universe, Stephen felt...weak. Like his powers were draining. A little voice in the back of his head told him that this universe's laws prevented superhumans from existing, as they would have too much power. He looked around at his crew, seeing they were all going through the same thing.

"America," he croaked out weakly. "We need to leave."

An exhausted-looking America tiredly nodded, and punched open a star portal.

Except something was completely wrong with it.

It didn't hold open steady like the others did. It spasmed, looking like it could collapse any moment. 

"Go!" Wong shouted.

He gave America a push, making sure she landed in the new reality. Then he focused on getting himself and the Strange siblings out.

However, like before, the portal was so shaky, that all three adults fell into the gap between the two realities. 

America and Stephen were separated once again. 

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