Chapter 7

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"So you're from another universe?"

America sat with Spider-Man on a building rooftop right in the chaos and noise of the city. America had introduced him to the cloak, which he stared at with awe. It currently floated behind them as she finished explaining her story to him, and he was clearly shocked.

"Yes," America said, answering the question for the fourth time. Was it really that hard for people to comprehend multiverse travelers? Maybe she was just built different.

Spider-Man just nodded in silence. "So, your moms," he said. "You don't know where they are?"

America shook her head.

"Neither your sorcerer buddies?"

"Don't know where any of them are, and if I can't control my powers again, I'm not finding any of them," America said, looking at him, solemnly. She found it hard to concentrate on his face with that cheesy mask of his.

Spider-Man seemed to sense this. A few moments later, he slowly took off his mask. America turned to look at him.

He looked very young, about her age. He had curly brown hair—a cinnamon roll, Stephen would've called him—and piercing brown eyes. America wondered if her version of Spider-Man looked the same.

"My name's Peter," he said. "Peter Parker. The reason I didn't introduce myself earlier...well, no one is supposed to know. Only my aunt, some friends, and the Avengers."

"Nice to actually meet you," America said, smiling. "How old are you?"

"I'm 16."

"Cool, I turn 15 in a few months."

They sat in silence before Peter spoke again. "Y'know, I got these powers when I was 14. I had no clue what to do with them. I didn't want them."

America sympathized with him. Even though she had been born with her powers, it must've been a lot worse gaining unnatural powers that you didn't want.

"But eventually—with some practice—I learned to control them," he continued. "And use them for good. And about how you lost your moms—it's ok. Your powers aren't supposed to save everyone. I lost...I lost my Uncle Ben the day after I got my powers."

America looked at him again. "I'm sorry," she said.

Peter nodded in acknowledgement. "Anyways, the main reason I control my powers: I know what I can do with them. I strive to use them to save people, help people. That motivation is what gets me through the day. And if you really want to find your moms, your friends—motivate yourself. Think about how much they mean to you, and the joy you'll feel when you see them again."

America took a deep breath, standing up. "That was a really great speech...I think I'll take your advice and try it now."

Peter jumped up excitedly. "Thanks!" he said. "Now go on."

America stood there, closing her eyes, reliving memories.

Her moms hugging her. Playing with her. The three of them going on walks and exploring together. Just the three of them valuing nature and looking at it with awe. The love and the joy that they got from it.

Wong and Stephen....

How much they protected her even in the little time they'd known her. How they took her in without hesitation, gave her a home away from home.

These were the actions of fathers.

She finally accepted it. She felt that she could go up to Stephen and Wong and call them "dad." Because that's what they were to here. She wasn't sure how they would process it, or if they even would accept it. But at least she would be comforted by the fact that somewhere in the multiverse, she had two dads to rely on.

And between her moms and dads, the similarities:

Comforting her at night when she woke up scared.

Making her her favorite food, doing her favorite things.

Sharing her experiences with her.

Making her happy, watching her be happy, and sharing her happiness.

All the love, pain, joy, grief, nostalgia—every emotion she'd ever felt for all her parents—all encapsulated in one powerful punch that rippled the air as she opened a portal back to wherever Stephen and Wong happened to be.

And it worked.

America stood there, in shock and joy, looking at Peter for approval. "I did it!"

"You did it!" Peter agreed, walking up to the portal. The cloak floated behind them.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," he said, sadly.

"Don't worry, I can come visit," America reassured him. She also promised herself to meet 616-Peter. Maybe she could introduce him to Wong and Stephen.

Peter smiled, before putting his mask back on and swinging away, off to protect the city.

America and the cloak stepped through into yet another New York City.

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