Don't Make Him Mad

Start from the beginning

"She'll probably go off with her old friends."

"I'm sure your parents won..." I was cut off by Professor Quirrel's temper snapping at the twins. "Well that's them in detention every day until Christmas."

The twins came running over to us with massive grins on their faces. "Well ladies?" Asked Fred.

"What did you think?" Asked George.

"I'd like your pranks a lot better if you two didn't get in trouble for them." Said Holly. That made me laugh.

"Ohh come on, we only got one detention."

"How on Godric's earth did you manage that?" I asked in amazed shock. "Surely for an attack on a teacher you should be in a lot more trouble than just one detention?"

"It's professor Quirrell, he could only st st stammer so much." Said Fred getting a laugh out of the boys and Maddi.

"Fred!" I shouted at him while trying to hold in my own laughter.

Just then the lunch bell rang and everyone started to head inside. As we walked into the great hall I felt a hand weave it's way into mine, I turned to see Eddie with a beaming smile on his face.

"Hi" I greeted him as I smiled back.

"Hi. Coming to my table for lunch?" He asked as my friends claimed our usual spot at the Gryffindor table.

"I thought we were having dinner together."

"Let's eat lunch together too."

I looked over to my friends, who were chatting and laughing and had already started to eat lunch without me. "Sure, okay." I said rather reluctantly with a smile on my face.

We went and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. As usual the long tables were covered in gold platters of delicious, mouth-watering food. Today's choices were sandwiches with every filling you could think of, from plain ham or chicken to toasted breakfast sandwiches dripping with baked beans. There were even stoat sandwiches that only seemed to be consumed by Hagrid. Along with sandwiches there were bowels of every flavour of crisp and trays upon trays of fresh fruit.

During lunch we chatted about what we had been doing so far today and about our plans together after dinner. We also talked about what we going to be doing in-between lunch and dinner, which started a whispering argument.

"Eddie I don't understand, we will see each other again in a couple of hours."

"But I didn't make any plans because I wanted to hang out with you, but clearly you don't want to hang out with me."

"I never said that!"

"You may as well have."

"You should have asked me if you wanted to hang out. I have not done anything wrong."

"You never have any time for me."

"That's not true and you know it. We made plans for tonight and my friends asked me to hang out during the day, and I said yes because I was free."

"Those friends being boys."

"I'm not getting into this again."

"And you spend alone time with Cedric."

"And I've told you before that we are just friends and we meet up every Tuesday in the library to STUDY!" That got a few looks from people, including my friends one table over. "Stop this now."

"Fine, but I'm coming with you from now on."



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