Rose's are Red Part 1

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It was Tuesday 12th February, and I was sitting reading the Standard book of Spells in the library after finishing my homework for transfiguration. We had to write an essay on turning a mouse into a snuff box, explaining the spell itself, the wand movement used and what happens if you perform the spell incorrectly. Cedric was still doing his charms homework when two seventh year Hufflepuff girls came into the library with a clipboard and a bucket.


"Hmm?" He replied looking up at me from across the table.

"Are they collecting for something?"

"Ohh, Tonks and Penny are selling roses for Valentine's day and they are going to deliver them on the day in the great hall at lunch time."

"That's such a nice idea."

"Yea I think they are giving the profit they make to the house you want one?" He asked me looking back down at his homework.

"Ohh Godric no, that would be so embarrassing." I said quickly as the two girls approached us.

"Hey Cedric, who's your friends?" Asked the girl with bright purple hair.

"This is Melissa Black, Mel this is Nymphadora Tonks and Penny Haywood." Cedric introduced us.

"Nice to meet you both." I said quite shyly not thinking he would say my whole name, but thankfully it didn't seem to faze either of them. I can't quite figure out why the name Tonks sounds so familiar to me.

"You to Melissa." Replied Penny

"Just call me Tonks." Said the girl with bright purple hair and she stuck her hand out to shake mine. "Wait, are you Sirius' daughter?"

"That's me." I replied my face going bright red.

"My mother is Andromeda Black, you and I are cousins."

"I knew I recognised your name, I don't think I've seen your name on the family tree though?" I kind of questioned but didn't want to seem rude. "I'm not on it either because they burned my father off years ago for running away."

"They did the same to my mother when she married a muggle born, we should hang out sometime."

"Yea that would be nice"

"If this family reunion is quite done." Penny said, "Would either of you like to buy a rose?" Tonks nudged Cedric with her elbow.

Please say no please say no please say no I begged in my head. "Yea I'll get for Mel." Ugh why Cedric.

"I'll get three please." Cedric looked at me with a raised brow. "What? If you're going to embarrass me Holly, Maddi and Katie can go through it with me." Cedric just shook his head at me and laughed.

"Okay that is one sickle from you Cedric and three from you Melissa please." Requested Penny holding out the bucket.

"So that's Melissa Black, Holly Morris, Madison McFarland and Katie Bell?" Asked Tonks.

"Yea, and they're all Gryffindor." Explained Cedric.

"Perfect." Said Tonks writing down the names. "See you two later then."

"Thank you." I said as they walked away. I turned quickly to Cedric and swatted him on the arm. "As if you actually did that."

"Oi no need for the violence Mel. Now I hope your face goes a brighter shade of red than your uniform."

"I'm sorry Cedric, I am great full for it I just hate being the centre of attention."

"You hate being the centre of attention?" He questioned with a higher pitch tone to his voice. "You literally stood up and announced a scavenger hunt in front of the entire school at Halloween."

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