Part 6

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Narrator: The next day
Chase:Hey Luke I'm back.
Luke:Oh hey Chase how are you this morning?
Chase:I'm good and you?
Luke:I'm good, say why did you come back today you normally only visit once a week?
Chase:Just wanted to talk.
Luke:Let me guess ,about Everest?
Chase:No actually about you.
Chase:Ye I mean I want to help you, you've been a stray for as long as I can remember and I want to help you.
Chase:Well I want to talk to Ryder and see if he'll allow you to join the paw patrol.
Chase:Ye why not?
Luke:Are you sure he could help me?
Chase:Ye he's been saying he wants a new spy pup to make my job easier.
Chase:Ok I'm going to talk to him.
Luke:Should I come with?
Chase:Ye let's go.
Narrator:At the look out.
Chase:Hello Ryder sir.
Ryder:Hello Chase. Who's your friend?
Chase:This is Luke, he's a stray.
Ryder:Oh, hi Luke nice to meet you.
Chase:So umm Ryder sir I brought Luke to recommend him as the new spy pup that you've been wanting.

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