Part 4

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Narrator:Later at the beach.
Skye:Ok so you can talk to Everest without being nervous?
Chase:No I do get nervous but not a lot.
Skye:Well that's a start.
Chase:Ha you sound like an old Marshall.
Skye:What do you mean?
Chase:Well when Ryder got Marshall and I to join we joined at the same time and for a wile after we joined when ever I'd do something or say something he'd say that.
Skye:Oh ok.Do you mind if I ask where you and Marshall came from.
Chase:..... well I could tell you.
Skye:But you don't want to?
Chase:Ye. I mean how much do you want to know about my past?
Skye:All of it.
Chase:No I mean do you really want to know about my past?
Skye:Oh then yes please.
Chase:Ok fine. So Marshall and I were thrown out of our house when we were little and to this day we don't know why. We lived on the streets from there on for two years and then we were in a shelter after that for a year then Ryder found us.

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