02. beach hut boy

278 16 28

may 2nd, 2022


As much as Eden loathes the little flutter her heart gives out at the offer, she finds it in her to decline.

"I'm working," she mumbles, hiding a growing smile as she picks up Luke's empty coffee cup.

"So take your break," Luke suggests coyly, perfect pearly whites sunk into his lower lip.

Eden's eyes catch on the way his dimples dig into his stubbled cheeks and she remembers how Luke was an expert with those lips and teeth of his— always kissing and nipping in all the right places for hours that night they spent together.

Luke is overly aware of the effect he has on her, and he's certain she'd deny it if he ever called her out on it. He keeps his mouth shut for that reason, eyes drifting to the curve of her thighs and the frilled hem of her innocent dress.

The girl is far from innocent, he silently reminds himself.

Eden refrains from sighing, knowing that whatever Luke wants from her is likely built around expectations that she doesn't have the heart to fulfil.

Eden Remington doesn't date.

She doesn't sit with pretty boys at coffee shops — much less the one she works at — and engage in flirty chit chat while he insists on paying for her drink. No, that's far out of reach for her and she has no intention of ever doing that again.

Not after it ended so terribly for her the last time.

Eden shakes her head, sending the curled rockstar a sly smirk, "I'm not sitting with you, Luke."

He narrows his sparkling eyes at her, "Why not?"

The seductive rasp that edges at his voice has her mouth salivating.

With a lick of her lips, she looks around aimlessly, eyes squinting at the striking sunshine. Her shoulders deflate with a sigh, one Luke recognises as one of little joy.

"Because..." she hums, glancing back down at the blue-eyed beauty. She does that thing again — where she tilts her head to the side slightly and Luke is sure she isn't even aware of it but he takes far too much notice. "This isn't a date. I don't want to date you, or anybody."

Luke is quick to release a chuckle, "Who said anything about a date, sweetheart?"

Eden's thighs clench at the term of endearment, her heart picking up speed as she remembers how he used it in such a sensual manner way back when.

"What is it then?" she fires back teasingly, her fingertips clutching the saucer beneath the coffee cup for dear life.

Luke breaks eye contact first, glancing around the outdoor terrace of the café to ensure nobody is paying attention to the pair. He swiftly licks his lips, leaning forward with an elbow on the table. Then, he elicits a gasp from the petite blonde by delicately brushing the back of his knuckles over the side of her thigh nearest to him.

He smirks at how his touch so evidently makes her feel something.

"It's..." he hums, admiring the way the backs of his fingers gently graze over her silky flesh, prompting a blizzard of goosebumps to arise despite the thirty degree heat, "Whatever you want it to be."

Although Eden's skin is on fire from his touch and she can so clearly feel the knot building in her abdomen when she so much as looks at him, she rolls her forest eyes.

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