-The Arrival-

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Hi again you guys!
So I'm trying to update this daily but it's hard-
So I decided to update weekly or every three days or so?
Just remember that I'm TRYING to- hehehe well that's all I hope y'all enjoy!<3
Narrator's POV

"We continue our story with Buster walking back to the theater while soaking wet, a great misfortune for our director really, well then let's get started!"

Buster finally reaches the theater and the first thing he does is dry himself off with a hand dryer in the public restroom of the theater, he then walks towards his office while sighing in defeat as Suki's words rang in his head 'your not good enough' he reaches the stairs to his office as he heard the voice again 'you'll never make it in the big city',

Nana on the other hand looks around searching for Buster from the lobby to the backstage, she comes across miss crawly "where is he?" She asked with a slight worry in her tone,

Miss crawly proceeds to point towards busters work desk, Nana let's out a small sigh of relief as she approaches the desk and opens the bottom left drawer, revealing buster crying while looking at some documents and papers as his fur is still puffed up when he first dried himself off "Oh, for Haven's sake!" She asked with a slight hint of annoyance in her tone, Buster looks up from the papers and turns to look at her, he let's out a weak chuckle "What can I say Nana?" Buster says as Nana walks to the front of his desk "I'm a failure" Buster says in defeat "Oh poppycock!" Nana says in a dismissive tone as Buster gets out of the drawer and walks to the left side of the desk " You heard what the scout said, we're not good enough" Buster argues "So what?" Nana replies "You get one negative comment and it's suddenly all, oh woe is me!" She says mocking Buster while she fans herself,

Buster walks up to Nana "She said we wouldn't make into the big leagues" he argues while Nana walks around his office "what did you think she was going to do? Get down on her knees and declare you a genius?" Nana replied "roll down the red carpet for the great Buster Moon!" said Nana in a mocking voice and she walks towards Buster "It doesn't matter what she thinks, do you think your good enough?" Nana asked as she points her fan towards Buster "Of course but-" Buster tries to argue but was cut off by Nana "then you must fight for what you belive in!" she says smaking her fan on her (palm?/hoof?) "She threw me off the road and made me fall into a canal!" Buster replies "Well your still in one piece aren't you?" Nana asks Buster,

"Well yeah i am" He replies while scratching the back of his head "Then that's nothing that you can't handle" Nana says "People who set out to follow their dreams are bound to face more dangerous situations than a dip in the canal" said Nana as her butler walks in "Ah, Jebz there you are" Nana addressed the penguin butler "I found him, now could you bring the car out front will you, that's a good chap" she ordered the butler as she continues fanning herself "if you still think that your not good enough then maybe that scout was right" Nana says as she slowly walks to the door "Maybe your not good enough" she finishes as she peeks at the side of the door to see Buster standing there pondering what he should do,

Nana smiles as she leaves the theater already knowing what Buster is going to do,that very night Buster was tossing and turning in his bed trying to sleep, Nana's words must've got to his head as he finally opens his eyes filled with determination he gets dressed and goes back to the theater, grabbing an empty suitcase and starts packing the costumes and making cut out vegetable props,

he then went straight to ash's location while he calls Rosita and the others "No Rosita just trust me on this one, call the others and I'll meet you there with ash" he says as he closes his phone and walks into the building and goes backstage just in time to see ash performing
"dance dance dance till your dead!" Ask sings as the crowd cheers and jumps to the beat,

Small time skip cause I forgot how the song goes and I'm too lazy to search for it-😅

Ash finishes her performance and the crowd goes wild as she runs to the backstage of the building and sees Buster "Buster! Hi!" Ash says as she runs up to hug Buster,

Buster hugs back "Look at you! Already performing!" Buster says in his cheery voice as he let's go of Ash "I still gotta do the encore" Ask says as she drinks her soda can with a straw "What are you doing after the show?" asked Buster "Nothing actually" Ash replies as her a croc shoves past Buster and hands her a paycheck "Your paycheck" the croc says and leaves "So remember that you said that you'd come back and perform for the moon theater when time comes right?" Buster asks "Yeah" Ash replied as she looks at her Paycheck squinting her eyes to read the check,

"Well now is that time! I-" Buster gets cut off by Ash "hold on a sec" as she walks to the croc "Hey Derek!" Ash shouts slighty to get the croc's attention "How come your paying me half of what your paying the others?" the croc grins "I'm only paying you for what your worth sweetheart" the croc replies looking cocky "Well I have this rule about not letting guys like you telling what I'm worth so unless you pay me the same way your paying the others I'm outta here" she says crossing her arms "This is the only joint in town sweetheart, where else are you gonna go?" the croc says in a cocky tone "I don't know but I'm sure as hell not staying here" Ash says,

"Come on let's go" Ash says as she grabs Buster and leads him out of the building "Wait! What about the encore!?" the croc shouts at Ash, she looks at the croc "Deal with it sweetheart!" she said as she slams the door shut,

After a few hours they all met up at the bus station and buster was walking back to them with tickets in his hands "alright I got the tickets, here you go Ash" Buster says handing Ash her ticket, to which she takes "Johnny here's yours" Buster hands Johnny his ticket but he stops Buster "Excuse me, Mr. Moon?" Johnny says causing Buster to look up from the tickets in his hands,

"I'm sorry but I'm really starting to get second thoughts about this" Johnny says "He's right Mr. Moon" Meena chimes in "The scout did say we weren't good enough" Meena says fidgeting with her bag strap "yeah she sounds like a jerk" Ash says "Ja! Total jerk!" said Gunter "I know I know but they're wrong, dead wrong. Now we're going to march in there and show them what we can do" Buster tries to reason with them then the bus driver interrupts them,

"Alright, last call let's go" he says as he starts the engine "J-just one second please?" Buster says as he continued "Guys we can do this! We just have to go to redshore and prove to then that we are good enough for the big leagues!" Buster looks around the others not seeing any hope or determination in their eyes,

"Alright we're rolling out of here" the bus driver says as the bus starts to drive away "Oh, guys come on!" Buster says as he starts to chase the bus "Wait! Stop!" Buster shouts to the bus to no avail, just as Buster was about to give up chasing the bus, it stops abruptly and Rosita says from the front of the bus "Listen guys, performing in redshore city has been my dream since I was a kid, and I know we can do it" she says encouraging them "Besides I just convinced my husband to babysit for 24 hours and I'm not gonna waste an opportunity like that! So come on! We've got nothing to lose." she says as she gets on the bus, and so did the others,

After they got on the bus and hit the road buster hands them their scripts and roles "Ash this is your script" buster said as he passes the scripts to the rest of them Ash then asked "Are we going to rehearse in a bus?" Moon smiled and replied "Yep!" Johhny chuckles as he takes one the scripts "Cause we are." and they all rehearsed on the bus, they all begin to sing and practice their dance moves but not too much as to avoid making the bus rock from side to side or bounce, after a whole night of practicing they all fell asleep,

Hours later they have arrived in redshore city, Meena was the first to wake up a notice " Guys! We're here" Meena said making the others wake up, well all but Ash and Buster who stood up all night looking at the script, they all got up and looked out the window to see redshore city, a city filled with lights and advertisements, a rollercoaster decorated with beautiful lights and a ferris wheel looking absolutely glamorous with the lights and everything,"alright guys let's go spread some moon theater magic!" Buster says as he runs towards Crystal Tower theater along with the others (Idk what it's called!😭).
(And finally they all arrived in redshore city but what awaits them there? Will they put on the craziest show ever? Or die trying? Find out soon! Bye!😊)
Word count 1678.

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