"First we cure Harris, then we destroy the greenhouses." Ryan corrects him "But once we save him,"

"Then, we dance!" Spyder says dramatically. 

"You got the new antidote?" Ryan asks Veracity. 

"I upgraded it with procatalytic enzyme, but I can't be sure its gonna work without testing it." She explains handing him the darts. 

"We don't have time, Harris is going to have to be the test." Ryan says walking to the elevator. 

"Lets get our little hair-bear back." Veracity says following him with the rest of us. 

"You know he really doesn't like it when you make fun of his size?" Spyder reminds her. She just smiles and says, 

"Yeah, I know." 


We hid behind some of the crates and after Harris and Morris walked by, Ryan tried to signal to us what he wanted Spyder and Veracity to do. It was simple enough and made sense to me and Veracity. Not so much to Spyder. He started to ask something when Veracity smacked her hand over his mouth to shut him up. He did the gesture again and Spyder pretended to get and was just going to let Veracity explain it to him on the way. Spyder and Veracity went after Morris, while the two of us went off to try and cure Harris.

"Hey, Henchman number 2?" Spyder grins from the door way while we still hid behind some crates.

"Yeah Vin-doofus were talking to you!" Veracity yells while Morris chases after them, leaving Harris alone and Ryan stepped out into the open and I hung back. 

"Hey buddy." He says while Harris slowly turned around. When Harris fully turns around, Ryan shot a anti-dote dart out of his Mech-link, Harris however just backflipped over them. 

Oh wow, okay.

Before he could shoot again, Harris kicked him into a pile of boxes. That is not something Harris is supposed to be able to do. 

"Harris come on, we're best friends." I heard Ryan say as I crept around the back of the boxes so I was behind Harris.

"No, not anymore." Harris says. Not going to lie that hurt me a little bit. "Is Ryan Peanut Walker gonna cry? Are you a sad Peanut?" I laughed slightly before trying to stay serious and watched Ryan looking around confused, probably slightly embarrassed to. I ran out from behind him, landing almost a soccer kick like strike to the back of his knee making him fall, while Ryan used his powers to start up a machine that continually launched what I think were Limes at Harris from all directions. 

"Is this supposed to hurt?" Harris asks?

"I wasn't trying to hurt mommy's precious cargo." Ryan says as we ran around the machine to the other sire of him.

"Spyder said he wasn't going to tell anyone about that." Harris yells.

"He didn't!" I yelled back. "At least not directly." With the new angle, Ryan was actually able to hit Harris with a dart. Harris fell as he was hit with the darts, the two of us just stood there, waiting for a sign that it worked. 

"Ryan?" Harris asks weakly from the floor.

"Hey Harris!" Ryan says running over to help him up. I wasn't convinced, so I slowly walked over saying, 

"Hey be careful, we don't know if," Then I saw Harris's expression change.

"You really shouldn't have come here." He says shoving Ryan back a few paces." Traeger has given me more power than you can imagine."

"Harris, I'm on your side! I don't want to hurt you!" He says trying to reason with him. Even though that idea is sort of off the table. 

"I have new friends now." Harris smirks leaning up against a wall next to a button and before pressing it says, "I hope you're ready to meet them."

"Well thats are cue." I yelled over the now blaring alarm as we both ran for the door.


We found Veracity and Spyder who we're standing over a now tied up Morris.

"You guys took out Morris?" Ryan asks. 

"Who can't?" Spyder laughs.

"Hey, I'm right here." Morris says from the ground. 

"Yeah, we know." Veracity smiles.

"Harris?" Spyder asks.

"The cure didn't work." Ryan answered while I shook my head.

"They've already filled this container with red bloom." Veracity says with her hand on one of the cargo containers while another batch gets dumped into the next one.

"Guys we need the bot." Spyder says. We took of running to the outside of the building where the robot stomped on us. We all took our spots in the control center, and just as Ryan raised the robots foot to stomp on the cargo containers full of red bloom, Harris jumped on top of them. He paused, for what seemed like an eternity, before lowering his leg back down to the ground.

"I can't do it. Its still Harris." He says as we watch a smirk spread across Harris's face, before its started to glow red, before he morphed into a monster similar to the one we fought underwater.

"Okay no more short jokes." I heard Veracity say nervously while Ryan threw the harness on yelling,

"He can turn into a monster now!" After taking a few hits he said, "We need the new anti-one X-weapon but dial it down we don't want to kill him."

"On it give me a few." Veracity says leaving her station that I slid into just in case. We looked back to monster Harris, who had just dug himself underground and now we can't see him at all.

"Well thats great." I said sarcastically.

"Kota can you track him?" He asks me.

"Working on it."

"Spyder do you seem him?"

"Got him!" Spyder says. Wow. Spyder found him before me. "Wait, no. That is just frozen yogurt." That makes more sense. Veracity switched me back spots and just as I sat back down, monster Harris exploded out of the ground, punching a hole, right where the x-weapon is. 

"He just took out the X-Weapon!"

"Thats the only weapon we have that can take down a monster made of red ooze." Spyder continues.


"Hang on switching to shields!" Veracity answered. It didn't matter because Harris spun around, his tail smacking the robot sending it flying out of sight of the greenhouse. 

"Everybody okay?" Spyder asks once we landed. 

"We gotta get back out there." Ryan says getting up but the robot didn't follow. "I can't move the robot."

"We've got damage icons all over the place." Veracity explains. "It will be a few hours before we're up and moving again. 

"You know Mark could of...." Spyder begins to say before trailing off. "Will not finish that sentence."

"Smart choice."

By the time we got back, everyone was gone. Harris to. And they took the red bloom with them. Now the situation had come down to saving Harris, or saving the world. 


After the long flight home, the four of us had to actually walk from the ferry back to the city.

"Man its a long walk from the ferry I miss Marks car." Spyder complains. 

"You gotta let it go man." Ryan says while I noticed Veracity looking at something in the sky. I saw it too when she said,

"Wait, what is that?" 

"The red bloom." Ryan says as the fell from the sky. "Spyder bounce belt." He activated the bounce belt as the flowers began to hit the ground around us. Any person who came within a few feet now had a weird spore on their face, and now an entire city block was staring at us.


Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now