Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Okay note to self wash hands after battle." Spyders says to himself out loud.

"We're losing the ventral armor, I gotta go secure it." Mark tells me before leaving the control center through the hatch.

"Harris, Harris shields!" I yelled out.

"I've got you covered Desmond." Veracity says in sarcastic response.

"Wow, Desmond, I've been calling you Ryan for what, 13 years now?" Spyder asked. "Why did you not say something?"

"Sorry, sorry, Veracity. Habit." I corrected myself.

"Yup." Veracity said trying to move on with the situation.

"Okay, Spyder, arm cannon and then I'll follow up with," I trailed off when the robot stopped following my actions and the lights started to dim, "the robot won't respond?"

"My panels dead too." Spyder added. 'Traeger' marches towards us and threw a punch that would of probably ended us had it been real.

"Bam! Simulation over!" A animated Harris said appearing in the screen. "Welcome to scrap town y'all!"

"Well that stunk." I said unhooking the robots harness.

"At least Harris's simulation program worked okay." Spyder added to look on the bright side.

"Anybody else get an animated Harris mocking them on their Mech-link?" Mark asked coming back into the room.

"Since he's been injured he's had a lot of free time." Spyder said.

"I don't get it how did we lose power?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah I think this ones on me." Veracity says from Harris's desk. "I figured out how to extend the shields and keep the monster further away."

"Sounds like a great idea to me." Spyder responded.

"Which is our first clue that it was bad idea." Mark added. Normally this is where Dakota would punch him, but she's not here so I get to.

"Well, I mean I needed the extra power to extend the shields, and I guess it took it from your systems." She said awkwardly, "my bad."

"It was a great Idea, but you have to tell us so we can work as a team." I told her.

"I was just trying to win." She said in response.

"We were all trying to win." I continued, "These simulations are to help you learn to work with us."

"Hey she gets it." Spyder cut me off.

"Hey guys, how'd the simulation go?" Harris asked after appearing on our screens.

"Well, spectacular, she was great, uh... I mean of course you're great too. It's still your chair, you're just injured." Spyder rambled. "Do I know how to diffuse a situation or what?"

"I found the plane Grey and Traeger stole. They're way up in the Arctic." Harris explained.

"The arctic?" Thats way to far for us to rocket jump." Mark says.

"You're right, we need Leo's flight mode. So Mark and I will have to finish the flight upgrade during our free period." Harris continued.

"All right great training session everyone." I said as Mark and I turned for the door. "See y'all at school.


(3rd person POV)

Spyder, Harris and Veracity all went their separate was to school, while the two brothers caught a ride in Marks car. Mark gave Ryan a lecture about trying to be a better leader especially towards Veracity. They both knew it would be hard adding a new team member but it was the next thing for the group.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now