Chapter 28

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Mahir's POV

I  walk out of my private elevator as I made my way towards my cabin with a frown on my face. My Secretary was about to flirt with me as usual but refrain herself when she saw the look on my face.


    "G__ood  morn__ing  sir" she shuttered ignoring her and I went inside my office closing the doors with a thump.

             I was so upset that even my brain wasn't even straight enough to want to do any fucking work. Using my hand to caress my jaw as I think of a way to get back at that foolish woman or rather crazy. I walked towards my glass window looking at the beautiful view of the city. As I sip my coffee that was already on the table.

   I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice anyone entering my office.

  "Woah!!!!  dude, what the hell happened to your hair?  you look like a unicorn spat at you " I heard Abeer said with a snicker forcing me out of my thoughts when did he get in here I silently asked myself as I frown at his question. Turning to look at the  Idiot!!. I walked towards my table sitting down as Abeer sat down as well.

   "You want to know what happened that crazy woman fucking  happened". "And unicorns don't exist so stop thinking like a child," I said with a scoff glaring at him, I heard him sniff a laugh before laughing out this time not bordering to hide his amusement.

    "Stop fucking  laughing at me you prick" I saw glaring More fiercely at him. As I throw my pen on the table at him. Hitting him on his nose.

"Ouch OK!! OK!!  Fine stop being violent " he said raising his hands In mocking surrender. Putting the pen back on the table " so what happened" he asked with full concentration looking at me like he's the media waiting for a stupid question to be answered.

"She fucking came into my room at night and destroyed my alarm!! Or more like reprogrammed it. And

Changed my fucking shampoo to a fucking hair dye with multiple colors" I angrily spit out glaring at Abeer who was laughing his ass off ignore my glare.

  "How did she manage to do all that without waking you up man I thought you were like the fucking ninja that nobody can sneak past, "he asked with a smirk. Putting his leg on my table.



"She fucking knock me out, man," I shout angrily recurring this morning's event. As I push Abeer's leg off my damn table. He was about to put it up again as I gave him the stink eye.

    I knew it was a set up when she was been so fucking nice yesterday, I knew I was a real asshole to her yesterday but I couldn't bring my self to apologize.

     It is beneath me I am MS  I  never apologize to anyone but my mom and am never going to not in this lifetime.


        "How did she manage to knock you out dude you are like 6ft and she is like 5.5ft," he asked surprised leaning forward on my table.


    "She spiked my drink last night at the party," I said with a huff.

"Ah haha hahahaha dude I fucking love her more now haha hahaha  " he continued laughing managing to slip some word in between laughter.

      I can't believe this fucker  is siding with that crazy woman. he is supposed to be my best friend. Traitor

      I don't even know how she manages to do all that and left before I woke up.

       "And that's not the most annoying side of the story she fucking wrote 'Girls Rules' in pink in all my fucking cars dude " And that is where she crossed the line because of nobody mess with my cars.


     "Oh no she didn't am so officially jealous of you right now," he said with a girly voice.  "  so are you going to apologize or what because I advise that you do because you should remember that she is helping you out with the company don't mess this up man," he said with a serious tone. Leaning back on his chair.

"No fucking way. I will not apologize to her. I apologize to no one man. And I am helping her too, and am not going to mess anything up But am thinking about revenge" I finish with a smirk standing up and going towards my window.

  "Suit yourself man but I want you to give me all the juices details, "he said with an excited grin  forgetting about being serious a while ago "But I still don't get why you didn't wash off  your hair dye though"
"I tried but it won't fucking come off she must have used some product that doesn't easily come off. I said with a groan thinking of ways to get back at the crazy woman. No hearing any further comment from tony I turn back to see him staring at his phone with a distant look on his face I was about to ask him what his problem was.


   when he looked up and said "Well good luck with your future

wife I got to go do something you know important," he said in an unconvincing tune making his out of the door without saying goodbye. Making me all the more suspicious. Oh well,  I will find out later.

    Now I just need to solve my crazy woman problem. Sitting down on my chair I  Pressed my intercom. I need a day off from work to take care of my hair now I said to my self

"Ryan come to my cabin," I said in the intercom.

    I brought out a copy of Sanvi's file looking through it as I look for a way to get back at her. This is going to be interesting. I have never been this excited in years I thought with a rare smile on my face. 

Sanvi's POV


         "Here is your money sir," I said to the cab driver coming down from the cab and making my way towards the house or more like alien bunny mansion. I had gone to Sriya's apartment and spent the whole day with her.

          I  left her apartment late to avoid him and am going to sneak into my room.

      I know he is going to be furious at me after my epic prank earlier but am not sorry as he deserves more than that. I  left the house in the morning before he woke up to avoid any confrontation with him.


     "Activating sniff mode" I whisper to myself. Pretending to be an agent as I started singing my team song in my head holding my imaginary gun.

     I slowly locked the door to prevent unwanted noise. Removing my shoes I tiptoed inside the house. making sure to be extra careful seeing the whole house is completely dark. Checking to see if there is any sign of an alien bunny.

   I was about to pass through the living room when the light was suddenly turn on. Frighting me as I scream
   "Ah!!!!!!!" I scream again seeing the alien bunny smirking.

   "And where do you think you are going to my little feisty prank star??" He said with a creepy smile standing up from the couch and coming towards me. Oh no



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