Scraping my knees and feet till they were raw

But I kept going. I wasn't going to let them catch me

I hear shouts and I look back to see lights in the distance

They were catching up, fast

I turn back and fall flat on my face.

I look down to see I had tripped on a small cat

Blood stained his white and grey splotched fur

He was clearly hurt and wet. He looked as tho he was on the verge of death

I quickly scooped him in my arms

I looked back to see they had all caught up

I quickly turned my back and shielded the cat, holding him to my chest

They ran right past me

I didn't dare breath

I waited until their shouts faded into the distance

I looked up to see the trees around me had used their branches to shield me from view

I touched the branch with my hand and silently thanked it

I then looked back down at the cat in my arms

He needed help.

I continued to run until eventually I ran into town and snuck into an abandoned house

I wrapped the cat in some blankets and snuck out to try and find a medical stand of sorts

I spotted one, so I stole some bandages and left

I returned to the home and wrapped up the cat

I fell asleep laying next to him

After a few weeks, the cat healed

I then learned he could talk

He was a familiar

A partner to witches and wizards

He decided he wanted to stay with me and I gladly accepted his company

His name was Magnus

We became best of friends

As time passed I practiced my magic, Magnus helping me

Eventually, we decided we needed to find a better place to live

So we packed up and started our journey

After some time we came across a large castle


We walked up to the gate

Pretending to be merchants as we were let in

Immediately we found a place to hide and set ourselves up

My stomach grumbled as did Magnus'

We need food

I had Magnus watch our belongings as I snuck out onto the streets

I stole some fresh clothes off a clothesline and changed behind a building

I then walked around until I spotted a food market

Bound Through Time (Douxie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now