Chapter 2

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Please know I'm just doing what's in the prompt. Some details had been excluded from it as per the request of the anonymous person. Here is Chapter 2!

Ladybug's eyes widened into tennis balls as she staggered back. "W-What?! You're joking right?! I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Oh, you've done plenty wrong." The officer sneered. Suddenly, there were a dozen female officers stalking towards her, their eyes hungry. A rough hand suddenly made its way from her shoulder, over her breasts and down on her stomach. Ladybug shuddered unpleasantly and jerked the hand off. "Hey, hands off pervert!" To her shock when she looked back, it was another woman.

In the next second, several hands were grabbing at her. Some holding her in place as she screamed, other hands travelling up and down where they were not allowed to go. She tried to kick the hand that rubbed at her womanhood, but someone held her ankle in place. "You vile, disgusting bitches! I am ashamed of being the same gender as you! Let go of me!" She thrashed, struggled and yelled, so much so that a crowd had gathered outside the police station, chanting Ladybug's name and protesting against the police to let go of her. There were male police holding the people back, and Ladybug was honored that the people cared so much, then she really wanted to throw up when a hand spanked her butt and slipped between her legs.

Marinette woke up to a sting on her cheek and a voice screaming in her ear.

"W-wha?" All of a sudden, all the things that happened came back to her mind, making her want to pass out again. Slowly, the fog in her vision cleared and she was able to focus more on what the person in front of her was saying.

"... sentenced 3 years in prison, and we will take care of the akumas. Soon, your partner will join too, I really hope I'm assigned to him, that leather doesn't hide much.."

A low, threatening growl echoed throughout the room.

"Ok fine, I won't do anything but admire, a lot. Consider that a gift for the rest of your life. By the way, we're taking your yo-yo away." The man suddenly grabbed the weapon at her hip and she let out a weak protest that was thoroughly ignored.

"Hope you rot in jail~"

Weak and exhausted, Marinette rested her head against the wall. This was horrible. What was she going to do now? How will she survive her without someone figuring out who she is? How will she see her Chaton again?

Thinking of seeing her kitty, an idea popped into her mind. Of course, why didn't I think of immediately?! I just have to transform again to get my yo-yo back!

Hurriedly, Ladybug detransformed into Marinette, fed Tikki a part of the last cookie from her purse (yes, she could use her phone now!) transformed again, and dialed Chat Noir. His worried face popped up within seconds. "Bugaboo! I was so worried! I was sleeping when my phone was suddenly blowing up with news of your arrest and I transformed instantly! Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

Ladybug's eyes welled up at seeing her partner's face again. "Oh minou, I can't describe how relieved I am to see you right now, to talk to you. Please get me out soon."

Chat's face softened. "Oh my lady, I'll get you out of there, if it's the last thing I do. What did they do?"

Ladybug sobbed as she explained. "An officer called me over, so I went to him and then…"

Chat Noir listened paitiently as different emotions flickered across his face. Shock, unadulterated rage, concern and some undecipherable emotions that Ladybug didn't understand.

"Oh Bug, I'm so sorry, I should've been there to protect you. I should never have let you do solo patrol." Guilt was evident in his soft voice.

"You couldn't have known this would happen kitty. We both thought the police were on our side. And if you would've been there, you would have gotten caught too!"

"Say, what do you think brought this on? I thought Roger Raincomprix wanted to help?"

"I don't think Sabrina's dad would do this. These people seem pretty horrible, maybe he didn't want this, but nobody listened to him. And I didn't see him anyway. So maybe he wasn't involved?"

"That makes a lot of sense. I think that's exactly what happened. Anyway Bug, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Bring me some clothes so people won't see my real self. Be careful though. And bring clothes that won't a thing, my age, my body flaws."

"Alright, you got that. And remember that I love you so much. You're my everything, and we'll get through this together. You and me against the world."

Her face burning, Ladybug answered, "As always. Thank you Chat. I needed that."

Chat smiled. "Of course. Bye Bug, I'll get you your stuff when I get my hands on something that fots your description. Hang in there, ok?"

Ladybug smiled back. "Ok."

And the call ended.

Ladybug clutched the yo-yo to her chest. Trust her Chaton to make her feel better. They were together in this and that's all that mattered.

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